Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Making the Business Case for Traffic Incident Management


I. Bogorad, "6 essential elements for a winning business case," TechRepublic, 27 July 2008. [Online]. [Accessed 13 May 2016].

S. Barrett, P. DeVita, J. Kenfield, B. Jacobsen and D. Bannard, "Developing a Business Case for Renewable Energy at Airports," Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2016.

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, "Business Case Template," Catalogue No. BT53-15/2-2009E-PDF, 2009.

S. Joshua, "Seeking Support & Funding for TIM at the MPO: Lessons Learned, Maricopa Association of Governments," in Presentation at TRB Workshop, Washington, DC, 2015.

W. Legg, Interviewee, TIM Business Case Interview - WSDOT. [Interview]. 30 November 2015.

A. Heath, Interviewee, TIM Business Case Interview - GDOT. [Interview]. 7 December 2015.

J. Griffin, Interviewee, TIM Business Case Interview - ODOT. [Interview]. 4 February 2016.

FHWA, "Traffic Incident Management Gap Analysis Primer," U.S. Department of Transportation, Publication FHWA-HOP-15-007, 2015.

A. Marquess, Interviewee, TIM Business Case Interview - CHART. [Interview]. 30 November 2015.

J. Sagal, Interviewee, TIM Business Case Interview - CHART. [Interview]. 7 December 2015.

L. Matkowski, Interviewee, TIM Business Case Interview - DVRPC. [Interview]. 2 December 2015.

M. Wilson, P. Clark and J. Frost, Interviewees, TIM Business Case Interview - FDOT. [Interview]. 11 December 2015.

H. Marx, B. Rosenblatt, A. Sandberg and S. Schwartz, "Traffic Incident Management: Lessons Learned in Seattle," in NOCoE/NACTO Joint Webinar, October 21, 2015.

K. Pecheux and R. Brydia, "Guidance for the Implementation of Traffic Incident Management Performance Measurement," National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Project 07-20, Transportation Research Board, National Academies, 2014.

FHWA, "Traffic Incident Management Handbook," U.S. Department of Transportation, Publication FHWA-HOP-10-013, 2010.

FHWA, "Best Practices in Traffic Incident Management," U.S. Department of Transportation, Publication FHWA-HOP-10-050, 2010.

G. Chang and E. Igbinosun, "Performance Evaluation and Benefits Analysis for CHART in Year 2014," Coordinated Highways Action Response Team, 2015.

Florida DOT, "Review and update of Road Ranger Cost Benefit Analysis," BDK 84 977-15 Final Report, January 2012.

FHWA, "Focus State Initiative: Traffic Incident Management Performance Measures Final Report - Performance Measurement Presentation," U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC, 2010.

FHWA, "Process for Establishing, Implementing, and Institutionalizing a TIM Performance Measures Program," U.S. Department of Transportation, Publication FHWA-HOP-15-028, 2016 (anticipated).

David Evans and Associates, "I-5 Rogue Valley Corridor Plan," Oregon DOT, Roseburg, OR, 2011.

CHART, "CHART Statewide Traffic Incident Management Patrol Expansion, Proposed Operations Budget Enhancement," 2009., "Department of Transportation Coordinated Highways Action Response Team (CHARTWeb)," [Online]. [Accessed 20 April 2016].

FHWA, "NCHRP 03-108: Guidance on Quantifying Benefits of TIM Strategies," Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2016 (working document).

FHWA, "Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation for Traffic Incident Management Applications," U.S. Department of Transportation, Publication FHWA-HOP-12-045, 2012.

TransSafe Consulting, LLC and Sam Schwartz Engineering, DPC, "Traffic Incident Management in Seattle: Observations and Recommendations," Seattle DOT and Seattle Police Department, Seattle, WA, 2015.

FHWA, "Federal Highway Administration Focus States Initiative: Traffic Incident Management Performance Measures Final Report," U.S. Department of Transportation, Publication FHWA-HOP-10-010, 2009.

A. Guin, C. Porter and C. Holmes, "Benefits Analysis for Incident Management Program Integrated with ITS Operations: Case Study," Transportation Research Record No. 2000, pp. 78-87., Washington, DC, 2007.

FHWA, "User's Manual for The Traffic Incident Management Benefit-Cost (TIM-BC) Tool (Version: 2.0)," Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology, September 2015. [Online].

S. Sajjadi, S. Aghdashi, N. Rouphail, A. Hajbabaie and B. Schroeder, "FREEVAL-RL User Guide," Institute for Transportation Research and Education of North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, 2013.

A. Guin et al., "Benefits Analysis for the Georgia Department of Transportation NaviGAtor Program: Final Report," Prepared by URS Corporation for the Georgia DOT, 2006.

G. L. Chang and S. Rochon, "Performance Evaluation of CHART - Coordinated Highways Action Response Team - Year 2002," University of Maryland, College Park and Maryland State Highway Administration, 2003.

J. King, "Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Performance Measures Webinar," in TIM Performance Measurements, USDOT T3 Webinar Series, June 12, 2014.

T. Lane, "Reducing Secondary Crashes," in FHWA TIM Performance Measures Workshop, Las Vegas, NV, June 24, 2015.

For more information on the FSPE Model and how to obtain it, please contact: Mr. Alexander Skabardonis, Professor & Research Engineer, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, 109 McLaughlin Hall, Berkeley CA 94720-1720, Phone: 510-642-9166.

K. Ahn, "Microscopic Fuel Consumption and Emission Modeling," Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, 1998.

Battelle Memorial Institute, "Regional Emergency Action Coordination Team (REACT) Evaluation," Prepared for Maricopa County Department of Transportation, 2002.

USDOT, "Georgia HERO Motorist Assistance Patrol Program," ITS Knowledge Resources Benefits Database, Atlanta, GA, 2006.

WSDOT, "Narrative Justification and Impact Statement for Incident Response," Washington State Department of Transportation, 2013.

OMB, "Circular No. A-94 Revised (Transmittal Memo No. 64)," Office of Management and Budget, Washington, DC, October 29, 1992.

FHWA, "The Economic Impact of Motor Vehicle Crashes, 2000," National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, DC, 2002.

B. Robinson, "Memorandum to the North Carolina Department of Transportation: 2013 Standardized Crash Cost Estimates for North Carolina," 10 November 2014. [Online].

USDOT, "Revised Departmental Guidance on Valuation of Travel Time in Economic Analysis (2015 Update)," Office of the Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy, Washington, DC, 2015.

"National Household Travel Survey: Understanding How People Get from Place to Place," NHTS, [Online]. [Accessed 2016 15 June].

USDOT, "TIGER Benefit-Cost Analysis Resource Guide," United States Department of Transportation, Washington, DC, Updated March 27, 2015.

F. Moore, D. Diaz and K. Than, "Estimated Social Cost of Climate Change Too Low," Stanford University, 12 January 2015. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 2015].

L. Hagen, Z. Huaguo and H. Singh, "Road Ranger Benefit Cost Analysis," Florida Department of Transportation, 2005.

L. Dougald, "A Return on Investment Study of the Hampton Roads Safety Service Patrol Program," Virginia Transportation Research Council, VTRC 07-R33, 2007.

Florida DOT, "Florida Traffic Incident Management Program Strategic Plan," Prepared by PB Farradyne, 2006.

M. Zezeski, Interviewee, TIM Business Case Interview - CHART. [Interview]. 11 December 2015.

FHWA, "Traffic Incident Management Benefit-Cost (TIM-BC) Tool," Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology, 28 January 2016. [Online]. [Accessed 20 April 2016].

FHWA, "Making the Connection: Advancing Traffic Incident Management in Transportation Planning - A Primer," U.S. Department of Transportation, Publication FHWA-HOP-13-044, 2013.

W. Berman, "Business Process Management Capability Maturity Frameworks - Overview," in Presentation at TRB Workshop, Washington, DC, 2015.

Connecticut DOT, "Connecticut Strategic Highway Safety Plan," 2010, Revised 2013.

Arizona DOT, "Toward Zero Deaths by Reducing Crashes for a Safer Arizona - Arizona 2014 Strategic Highway Safety Plan," 2014.

FHWA, "Traffic Incident Management Self Assessment," [Online]. [Accessed 25 October 2015].

AASHTO, "Transportation Systems Management & Operations Guidance," American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington D.C., 2014.

WSDOT, "Proposal to Expand Major Incident Tow Program (MIT) Coverage - Executive Summary," Washington State Department of Transportation, 2008.

FHWA, "Freeway Safety Service/Motorist Assistance Patrol Sponsorship Programs Memorandum," 23 April 2008. [Online]. [Accessed 20 October 2015].

Transportation Infrastructure Committee, "Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act," U.S. House of Representatives, December 2015. [Online].

J. Schueler, "Leveraging Local Funding Sources - A Webinar Exploring Local Funding Options to Support TIM Practitioners - Cranberry Township Pennsylvania," Presentation for TIM Network Webinar, 2015.

R. Victor, "MTC's Role in Traffic Incident Management, Washington D.C. - Regional Traffic Incident Management and Transportation Planning: Creating Crucial Connections, Part 1, Successful Approaches Used by MPOs to Include TIM in Planning," Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting, 2015.

Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transit Authority, "Los Angeles Meets the Future," Metro Quarterly, vol. Winter 2007, 2007.

WSDOT, "Corridor Capacity Report," Washington State Department of Transportation, 2015.

DVRPC, "Traffic Incident Management in the DVRPC Region," [Online]. [Accessed December 2015].

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  Last modified: April 23, 2020  
Office of Operations