Use of Narrow Lanes and Narrow Shoulders on Freeways: A Primer on Experiences, Current Practice, and Implementation Considerations
Chapter 1. Overview
This primer is designed for policy makers,
transportation agency managers, designers and
operators working to find solutions to today's
transportation and mobility challenges. The purpose
is to provide information on the use of narrow lanes
and narrow shoulders to improve capacity within an
existing roadway footprint, and to give the reader a
starting point for exploring narrow lanes and shoulders
as a potential solution.
Much of the information in this primer is presented
in the broader context of Performance-Based
Practical Design (PBPD). Per the Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA) website (Reference 12):
PBPD is a decision making approach that helps
agencies better manage transportation investments
and serve system-level needs and performance
priorities with limited resources. PBPD uses
appropriate performance-analysis tools, considers both
short and long term project and system goals while
addressing project purpose and need.
The PBPD approach encourages designers and
decision makers to exercise engineering judgment
in identifying and analyzing alternatives — including
narrow lanes — to deliver cost-effective operational
improvements that meet both project and system
Topics covered in the primer include the following:
Examples of narrow lane / narrow shoulder applications – Chapter 1
Examining potential narrow lane / narrow shoulder
solutions in the context of PBPD; and the role of
Transportation Systems Management and Operations
(TSMO) in supporting narrow lane applications – Chapter 2
Case studies of the use of narrow lanes – Chapter 3
Issues and approaches for analyzing the operational
and safety impacts of narrow lanes and narrow shoulders – Chapter 4
This concept of adding a travel lane within the
existing roadway footprint (by narrowing existing
lanes and/or shoulders) to increase capacity at a
relative low cost is not a new concept. As noted in a
1978 research document (1):
"When the congestion becomes so extensive and
repetitive, measures to increase capacity or reduce
demand should be undertaken. However, sufficient
funds to make major changes to urban freeways may
not be available, and in some instances, space may be
so limited as to rule out normal expansions in roadway
width. One approach that many transportation
agencies are considering is the downscoping of
design standards to achieve greater capacity at lower
cost. The usual method to accomplish this is to reduce
lane widths and to reduce or eliminate the roadway
shoulders and create an additional lane for travel."
Potential scenarios for implementing narrow
include the following (with example lane
configurations and widths resulting from the
implementation of narrow lanes shown in Figure 1):
Adding a general purpose lane to increase
capacity and reduce recurring congestion. This
can be for an extended section of roadway, or
for a relatively short area as part of bottleneck
reduction or to maintain lane
. Examples of this approach are listed in Table 1.
Adding a managed lane, such a High Occupancy
Vehicle (HOV) or HOT lane. Examples of this
approach are listed in Table 2.
Adding a lane in and/or within the vicinity of an
interchange, to provide additional capacity on a
ramp, an auxiliary lane between closely-spaced
interchanges, or additional capacity beyond
the interchange to prevent traffic from backing
up into the interchange area. Examples of this
approach are listed in Table 3.
A related application that can involve narrow lanes
and narrow shoulders is to open either the left or
right shoulder — as is, or perhaps widened (with a
corresponding narrowing of general purpose lanes)
— to traffic during selected times of the day or when
congestion warrants. The shoulder may be open to
all vehicles, only light-duty vehicles, or buses only.
By definition, during times of shoulder use, there is
no shoulder available for vehicle refuge. Additional
information on part time shoulder use, including
several locations where this strategy has been
implemented, is provided in Reference 6 ("Use of
Freeway Shoulders for Travel – Guide for Planning,
Evaluating, and Designing Part-Time Shoulder Use
as a Traffic Management Strategy; Publication No.
Table 1. Examples: Narrowing Lanes to Add a General Purpose Lane.
Location |
Route(s) and Length |
Date |
Cross-Sections |
Reference(s) |
Houston, Texas |
US 59 (Southwest Freeway) Approx. 3.1 miles (both directions) |
1976 |
4 lanes converted to 5 lanes 3 lanes converted to 4 lanes (Refer to Figure 1) |
1 (Additional information provided in Appendix A) |
Honolulu, Hawaii |
H1 Approx. 3.5 miles(both directions) |
2014 |
3 lanes converted to 4 lanes (11.5–12 ft. lanes re-striped to 10 ft. with reduced shoulder widths) |
2 |
Northern Virginia |
I-395 (Approx. 1.5 miles NB; 2.5 miles SB) |
1989 |
3 lanes converted to 4 lanes (12 foot lanes re-striped to 11 ft., with reduced shoulder widths (2 ft. or less inside; 4 to 10 ft. outside) |
3 |
Milwaukee, Wisconsin |
I-94 Less than 1-mile (both directions) |
2015 Planning |
4 lanes to be narrowed from 12 ft. to 11 ft., with narrow shoulders, due to R.O.W constraints, as part of a reconstruction project |
6 (Refer to case study herein) |
Table 2. Examples: Narrowing Lanes to Add a Managed Lane.
Location |
Route(s) and Length |
Date |
Cross-Sections |
Reference(s) |
Los Angeles, California |
Multiple routes Approximately 49 miles |
1993 |
5 lanes converted to 6 lanes 4 lanes converted to 5 lanes Additional lane used as HOV in nearly all cases (Refer to Figure 1) |
1, 3, 4, 5, 16 (Additional information provided in Appendix) |
Miami – Dade, Florida |
I-95 and SR 826 |
Initial segment in 2008 Ongoing |
4 general purposed lanes + HOV lane converted to 4 lanes + 2HOT lanes (Refer to Figure 1) |
9 (Refer to case study herein) |
Table 3. Examples: Narrowing Lanes to Add a Lane in the Vicinity of an Interchange.
Location |
Route(s) and Length |
Date |
Cross-Sections |
Reference(s) |
Los Angeles, California |
NB SR 110 connector to NB I-5 |
2010 |
Connector ramp re-striped to provide two lanes, the second lane being the shoulder for part time use. Signage installed on SR 110 to allow through and exit movements from a lane when connector ramp shoulder open to traffic. |
7 (Refer to case study herein) |
Everett, Washingtona |
US 2 from the I-5 / US 2 Interchange EB to SR-204 (Approx. 1.6 miles) |
2009 |
2 general purpose lanes narrowed from 12 ft. to 11 ft., inside shoulder narrowed from 4 ft. to 2 ft., and outside shoulder widened from 10 ft. to 14 ft. (all via restriping). Shoulder opened to traffic during PM peak to prevent exiting traffic (from I-5 to US 2) from backing onto I-5, and to reduce crashes in the interchange. (Refer to Figure 1) |
10 (Refer to case study herein) |

Note: Three general purpose lanes converted to four general purpose lanes US 59 — Houston, Texas (Reference 1).

Note: Four general purpose lanes converted to five general purpose lanes US 59 — Houston, Texas (Reference 1).

Note: Four general purpose lanes and one High Occupancy Vehicle lane converted to four general purpose lanes and two High Occupancy Toll lanes Miami, Florida Typical (Reference 5).

Note: Four general purpose lanes converted to four general purpose lanes and an High Occupancy Vehicle lane Los Angeles, California Typical (Reference 5).

Note: Re-striping of general purpose lanes and inside shoulder to accommodate part time use of the outside shoulder Washington State US 2 (Reference 10).

Note: Four lanes total (two lanes in each direction) converted to five lanes total Inner Ring Expressway, Shanghai, China (Reference 11).
Figure 1. Diagrams. Example Narrow Lanes and Shoulder Configurations.