Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Sharing Work Zone Effective Practices for Design-Build Projects

Chapter 4: Quality Assurance Tips for Work Zones in Design-Build Projects

This chapter presents a concise tip list for managing work zones in design-build projects.

  • Stakeholders/partners/third parties should be consulted regarding the development and implementation of a transportation management plan (TMP).
  • The owner/agency and, as needed, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) should approve the TMP. The TMP should be consistent with Federal and State regulations on work zone safety and mobility.
  • Personnel and equipment resource lists should be maintained to ensure timely traffic incident response and work zone safety.
  • Temporary traffic control devices should be removed or covered when construction work is not in progress.
  • All construction personnel should be trained on Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards on work zone safety.
  • The level and frequency of owner/agency audit and oversight construction reviews should be established.
  • All traffic control elements should be in compliance with Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) requirements.
  • Traffic control plans should be in compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations.
  • Nighttime work zones should be adequately illuminated.
  • Glare control devices should be used during nighttime operations in work zones.
  • Work zone construction personnel should always be equipped with personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • Coordination procedures with the law enforcement agencies should be established.
  • Designated and qualified owner/agency or contracting personnel should be available around the clock to facilitate incident responses or address worker safety issues.
  • A maintenance program should be established for all work zone construction vehicles and equipment.
  • Owner/agency oversight should be provided for monitoring work zone safety and mobility impacts during construction.
  • A task force should be established for maintenance of traffic (MOT), traffic incident management (TIM), and public information and outreach (PI&O).
  • Pre-work safety meetings should be conducted on a frequent basis.
  • Alternate routes/detour routes should be established and accessible for all road users (bicyclists, pedestrians, trucks, motorcycles, cars, etc.).
  • Emergency traffic control plans should be maintained and updated as needed during the life of the construction project.
  • Emergency evacuations plans should be tested prior to implementation.
  • Quality assurance/quality control reviews should be conducted by an independent third party. These reviews should not be conducted by the design-builder.
  Last modified: April 13, 2020  
Office of Operations