Figure 17. Flowchart. Wisconsin Department of Transportation Traffic Operations Infrastructure Plan methodology for identifying priority corridors and related transportation systems management and operations strategies for achieving the corridor management vision.
Flowchart from Wisconsin Department of Transportation Traffic Operations Infrastructure Plan for identifying priority corridors and related transportation systems management and operations strategies for achieving the corridor management vision.
- Identify statewide significant corridors (Connections 2030 SAMP)
- Identify district priority management corridors for further developing a corridor management vision
- Develop a corridor management vision. In creation of a vision, teh same "factors" are used, however District information willa ccount for more details and regional/local issues. Community involvement would be part of the development of a corridor management vision.
- Identify and select strategies and tools to achieve the corridor management vision.
- Implement the corridor management vision
- Update and revise the corridor management vision and implementation strategies as neccessary.
- Restart process.