Figure 14. Diagram. Illustrative objectives tree for corridor-based transportation systems management and operations.
Diagram showing the objectives tree from broader, outcome based goals to detailed action oriented goals:
- Improve mobility in the corridor (leads to 2)
- Reduce traveler delays (leads to 3 and 4)
- Reduce non-recurring delays (leads to 5 and 6)
- Improve corridor travel time reliability (leads to 7, 8, and 9)
- Improve incident management
- Improve road weather management
- Improve traffic flow (leads to 10, 11, and 12)
- Increase access to traveler information
- Increase mobility options
- Identify and eliminate bottlenecks
- Reduce demand during peak travel periods (leads to 13)
- Optimize traffic signal timing
- Integrate real-time parking and transit information.