Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Congestion Pricing - A Primer: Evolution of Second Generation Pricing Projects


1. Fuhs, Chuck and Hal Kassoff. (2007, July). Building Flexibility into Managed Lanes: the Next Generation, Parsons Brinckerhoff. TRB 2008 Annual Meeting. Washington, DC.

2. Swisher, Myron, et. al. (2003). "Life-Cycle Graphical Representation of Managed High-Occupancy Vehicle Lane Evolution." Transportation Research Record 1856, Paper No. 03-4138. Washington, DC.

3. Ungemah, David. (2010, June). HOT Lanes 2.0- An Entrepreneurial Approach to Highway Capacity. Parsons Brinckerhoff. Presentation Slides for 2010 National Road Pricing Conference in Houston, TX.

4. Perez, Benjamin G., et. al. (2012, October). Priced Managed Lanes Guide. FHWA-HOP-13-007. Parsons Brinckerhoff. Washington, DC.

5. Poole, Robert. (2013, April). "Managed Lanes and Networks," subsection of Annual Privatization Report 2013: Surface Transportation. Reason Foundation. Los Angeles, CA.

6. Florida Department of Transportation. (2014, May). Southeast Florida Express Lanes - Regional Concept for Transportation Operations. Miami, FL.

7.Goodin, Ginger, et. al. (2013, September). Katy Freeway: An Evaluation of a Second-Generation Managed Lanes Project. FHWA/TX-13/0-6688-1. Texas A&M Transportation Institute. Austin, TX.

8. Turnbull, Katherine F. (2003). Houston Managed Lanes Case Study: The Evaluation of the Houston HOV System. Federal Highway Administration. Washington, DC.

9. Munnich, Lee W., et. al. (2006, March). I-394 MnPASS: A New Choice for Commuters, Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs. Minneapolis, MN.

10. Buckeye, Kenneth. (2010, November revised). Managed Lane Innovations: Minnesota Interstate 35W. Minnesota Department of Transportation. TRB 2011 Annual Meeting. Washington, DC.

11. Buckeye, Kenneth, (2013, July). I-35W South MnPASS HOT Lanes. TRB 2013 Annual Meeting. Washington, DC.

  Last modified: May 15, 2020  
Office of Operations