Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Impacts of Technology Advancements on Transportation Management Center Operations

Appendix A – TMC Manager Checklists for Internal Processes

Internal TMC Process Checklist for Technical Processes

❑ Develop specific systems engineering actions tailored to your TMCs’ processes

TMC role in system/project requirements definition

TMC role in system/project implementation

TMC role in system/project integration

TMC role in system/project verification and testing

TMC role in system/project operations and maintenance

❑ Adopt standards and include them in applicable agency specifications

❑ National ITS standards

❑ Ethernet networking, including network architecture and IP addressing schemes

❑ Implement maintenance, asset, and configuration management systems

❑ Link maintenance management system to developed data quality standards

❑ Use Ethernet network management software

❑ Develop ITS Architecture for the TMC and its systems

❑ Assure that the TMC architecture is consistent with the Regional ITS Architecture

❑ Review and update the TMC architecture when new systems are implemented

Internal TMC Process Checklist for Plans and Preparedness

❑ Actively use and update the ITS Architecture

❑ Review contents, including any standards for data interfaces

❑ Document needed updates to reflect current conditions

❑ Participate in ITS Architecture revision activities

❑ Propose updates including desired data flows, systems/processes, partner agencies, interfaces, and standards

❑ Use ITS Architecture to support applicable funding requests

❑ Prepare and update TMC Strategic Plan

❑ Include short-term TMC vision and goals

❑ Include opportunities for funding support

❑ Highlight ways that TMCs can position themselves to adapt to new technologies

❑ Prepare subsystem plans

❑ Create a technology-focused plan for traffic incident management

❑ Create a technology-focused plan for ramp metering

❑ Create a technology-focused plan for disseminating traveler information

❑ Create a plan for incorporating multi-agency and private sector participation

❑ Create a plan for handing input obtained through public involvement

❑ Create clear definitions of "Readiness" for each system to be deployed

❑ Include new TMC processes or procedures to support new or expanded system

❑ Request specific technical experiences to be shared through outside agency TMC operator-designed webinars to highlight system challenges and benefits

❑ Collaborate across multiple agencies on new system rollouts and discuss technical challenges, operational strategies, and opportunities for operator training

Internal TMC Process Checklist for Staff Development

❑ Develop Staff Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs) and updated position descriptions

❑ Include operators, managers, field technicians, and other related staff

❑ Collaborate with staff to accurately capture and document job duties and functions

❑ Initiate personnel outreach to discuss operations, position descriptions, and career paths

❑ Obtain job descriptions from similar TMC environments

❑ Work with Human Resources to implement updated position descriptions

❑ Create a regularly scheduled TMC operator training program

❑ Formalize a training program for supervisors to implement with operators Evaluate gaps between staff qualifications and desired KSAs to identify training topics

❑ Evaluate gaps between staff qualifications and desired KSAs to identify training topics

❑ Use data from system performance management to identify training topics and underscore influence operators have on agency goals

❑ Have documentation of emerging technology training available for new employees

❑ Prepare a ”quick start“ operations guide for staff unfamiliar with system, or staff that does not routinely use system. Focus on troubleshooting and basic system functions

❑ Integrate TMC staff with broader departmental training initiatives (project management, leadership training, communications training)

❑ Promote staff communication

❑ Schedule periodic staff meetings to encourage open communication

❑ Promote knowledge transfer and TMC staff leadership of technical discussions

❑ Share relevant performance data, including operational performance data, TMC performance data, and customer feedback

❑ Conduct debriefings with TMC staff on major incidents and TMC processes during these incidents

❑ Lessons learned and potential improvements

❑ Document and acknowledge successes

❑ Seek periodic input from police, fire, or other first-responders to ensure mutual needs are met

❑ Encourage participation and feedback on changes or process improvements

❑ Involve key contractors that are housed in the TMC (sometimes there is a definitive line between DOT and contractor staff)

❑ Seek out opportunities for the TMC to be represented in broader organizational meetings (i.e., Communications/PIO, IT)

❑ Update TMC staff with important initiatives or activities at the department level