Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation for Traffic Incident Management Applications

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Contact Information: Operations Feedback at

U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
Office of Operations (HOP)
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

Publication #: FHWA-HOP-12-045

U.S. Department of Transportation logo.

July 2012

Table of Contents


Purpose of This Document

Uses for TIM AMS Methods

How We Developed This Document

Synthesis of Incident Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation Methods

Survey of Practitioners on TIM AMS Methods

TIM AMS Methods

Evaluation of TIM AMS Methods

Incident Data Required to Support TIM AMS Applications

TIM Performance Measures

Data Collection

Default Data for TIM AMS Applications

Future Improvements in TIM AMS Applications

Topic 1 – Identify Key Factors that Cause Secondary Crashes

Topic 2 – Modeling Progressive Lane Opening

Topic 3 – Update of HCM Sections Regarding Incident Management and Capacity Loss

Topic 4 – Data Management/Data Dictionary for Archiving the Data Needed to Compute Incident Performance Measures

Topic 5 – Real-Time Management and Prediction Methods

Topic 6 – Estimating Incident Delay and its Contribution to Total Delay

Topic 7 – Linking Incident Management Strategies to Incident Model Inputs

Topic 8 – Use of Simulation in Tabletop Exercises

Topic 9 – Framework Development for TIM Program Evaluation

Topic 10 – Expand Benefit/Cost Analysis to Include Secondary Impacts

Topic 11 – Resource Optimization for TIM Plans

List of Tables

Table 1. ICM TIM Modeling Tools

Table 2. TIM Review Matrix

Table 3. Input Requirements of TIM AMS Procedures

Table 4. Lateral Locations of Incidents; Atlanta, Georgia

Table 5. Incident Duration by Incident Type; Atlanta, Georgia

List of Figures

Figure 1. Relative Sources of Congestion

Figure 2. Use of Incident Data by Agencies

Figure 3. Useful Areas of Technical Guidance, With “1” Being the Most Important

Figure 4. Type of Technical Guidance Desired for Improving TIM AMS

Figure 5. Incident Data Model for Performance Monitoring

  Last modified: June 22, 2020