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Effective Approaches for Advancing Congestion Pricing in a Metropolitan Region

A Primer on Lessons Learned and Best Practices




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Table of Contents


Technical Report Documentation Page

List of Abbreviations

Executive Summary

1. Introduction

Purpose of the Primer and Intended Audience
Process of Developing the Primer
Types of Congestion Pricing Strategies to Consider in Regional Planning
Variably Priced Lanes
Variably Priced Highways, Bridges, or Tunnels
Priced Zones
Priced Road Networks
Pricing not Involving Tolls (e.g., Variable Parking Pricing, Vehicle Miles Traveled Fees)
Organization of the Primer
2. Benefits from Using Congestion Pricing to Support Regional Goals
Improving Multimodal Transportation System Performance
Generating Revenues for Transportation Investments
Supporting Economic Competitiveness / Freight Movement
Supporting Environmental Quality, Energy Efficiency, and Sustainability
Enhancing Travel Options, Transit, Livability, and Sustainability
Supporting a State of Good Repair
Designing Congestion Pricing Strategies to Achieve Regional Benefits
3. Challenges Associated with Planning and Implementing Congestion Pricing
Achieving Public and Decisionmaker Acceptability for Congestion Pricing
Establishing Compatibility of Regional Goals with Congestion Pricing Objectives
Interagency Collaboration on Congestion Pricing Programs
Analytical Challenges in Evaluating Impacts and Integrating Congestion Pricing into Regional Plans
Legislative Barriers and Other Implementation Challenges
4. Effective Practices for Integrating Congestion Pricing into MetropolitanTransportation Plans
Gaining Acceptance from Decisionmakers and the Public
Linking Congestion Pricing to Regional Goals and Objectives
Establishing Regional Partnerships
Analyzing Congestion Pricing as Part of the Planning Process
Gaining and Sustaining Support from Users and Decisionmakers

5. Getting Started




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March 2012

  Last modified: June 18, 2020