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U.S. Department of Transportation
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The development of this Desk Reference greatly benefited from the contributions of practitioners from metropolitan planning organizations, State departments of transportation and transit agencies. FHWA, FTA, and authors acknowledge the individuals who provided input through workshops or interviews:

Kip Billings, Wasatch Front Regional Council, Utah

Jack Boda, San Diego Association of Governments, California

Byron Comati, Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority

Dean Gustafson, Virginia Department of Transportation

Jason Gutting, Michigan Department of Transportation

Eric Hill, METROPLAN Orlando, Florida

Dan Moore, Rogue Valley Council of Governments, Oregon

Rita Morocoima-Black, Champaign County Regional Planning Commission, Illinois

Koorosh Olyai, Dallas Area Rapid Transit, Texas

Richard Perrin, Genesee Transportation Council, New York

Deena Platman, Metro, Oregon

Joseph J. Quinty, South Florida Regional Transportation Authority

Charlie Reiter, Rochester Olmsted Council of Governments, Minnesota

MaryAnn Waldinger, Community Planning Association of Southwest Idaho

John Ward, Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, Pennsylvania

Lance Wilber, Anchorage Metropolitan Area Transportation Solutions, Alaska

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