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U.S. Department of Transportation

Advancing Metropolitan Planning for Operations: An Objectives-Driven, Performance-Based Approach – A Guidebook

Technical Report Documentation Page

1. Report No.


2. Government Accession No.

3. Recipient's Catalog No.

4. Title and Subtitle

Advancing Metropolitan Planning for Operations: An Objectives-Driven,
Performance-Based Approach

A Guidebook

5. Report Date

February 2010

6. Performing Organization Code


7. Author(s)

Michael Grant (ICF), Jocelyn Bauer (SAIC), Terence Plaskon (ICF), John Mason (SAIC)

8. Performing Organization Report No.

9. Performing Organization Name and Address

8301 Greensboro Drive
McLean, VA 22102

ICF International, Inc.
9300 Lee Highway
Fairfax, VA 22031

10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS)

11. Contract or Grant No.


12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address

United States Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Ave., SE
Washington, DC 20590

13. Type of Report and Period Covered

January 2009 - February 2010

14. Sponsoring Agency Code


15. Supplementary Notes

Mr. Richard Backlund, Federal Highway Administration, COTM

16. Abstract

This guidebook presents an approach for integrating management and operations (M&O) strategies into the metropolitan transportation planning process that is designed to maximize the performance of the existing and planned transportation system. This approach is recommended as a means to meet Federal transportation planning requirements for promoting efficient system management and operations and implementing a congestion management process (CMP). The approach is driven by operations objectives for the regional transportation system and performance measures for achieving those objectives. The MTP resulting from this approach contains specific, measurable operations objectives, performance measures, and M&O strategies that directly influence the projects selected for the transportation improvement program (TIP). This approach not only helps fulfill Federal planning requirements, but also results in an MTP that is a better able to meet customer needs, creating a more optimal mix of transportation investments.

17. Key Words

Metropolitan transportation planning, MPO, management and operations, operations objectives, performance-based planning, operational strategies, performance measures, congestion management process.

18. Distribution Statement

No restrictions.

19. Security Classification (of this report)


20. Security Classification (of this page)


21. No of Pages


22. Price


Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72)

Reproduction of completed page authorized.

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