Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Urban Freight Case Studies - New York City


As one of the nation's largest commercial centers, New York City moves more freight than any other metropolitan region in the United States.1 To move goods efficiently, the City makes improvements and adjustments to the management and operations of the transportation network on a continuous basis.

The primary elements of New York City's freight management, operations, planning, and implementation activities include:

  • The Commercial Vehicle Parking Plan that addresses curbside management issues.
  • The THRU Streets Program that improves traffic flow and provides additional curbside parking for commercial vehicles.
  • The Truck Route Management and Community Impact Reduction Study that proposed improvements to the City's existing truck route network, including routing alterations, signage improvements, and public outreach efforts.

1 New York Metropolitan Transportation Council, NYMTC Regional Freight Plan: Task 2 (New York City, NY: 2004), prepared by Cambridge Systematics.

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  Last modified: October 20, 2020