Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Urban Freight Case Studies - Washington, DC


Washington, DC is home to a vibrant business district, a large tourist industry, important federal and local government agencies, world-renowned universities, dynamic entertainment centers, mixed-use commercial areas, and high-density residential neighborhoods. The Washington metropolitan area, which includes the District of Columbia and Maryland and Virginia suburbs, has one of the worst traffic congestion problems in the country. According to the Texas Transportation Institute, Washington, DC ranks third in annual hours of delay per traveler.1 Thus, the management of goods and services delivery is an important issue facing the area.

The primary elements of Washington, DC's freight management, operations, planning, and implementation activities include:

  • A Downtown Curb-Space Management Plan that optimizes curbside utilization,
  • The Washington Convention Center Transportation Operations and Parking Plan that addresses the management of truck activities at the Convention Center and neighborhood concerns, and
  • The District of Columbia Motor Carrier Management and Threat Assessment Study that provides a framework for the creation of a comprehensive motor carrier management program.

1 David Schrank and Tim Lomax, Texas Transportation Institute, The Texas A&M University System, 2007 Urban Mobility Report, available at

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  Last modified: October 20, 2020