Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Urban Freight Case Studies - Washington, DC


Stakeholder Workshops

Communication between BIDs, DDOT, and other stakeholders is essential to better organize the use of curb-space on congested streets. All property managers responsible for buildings along the priority corridors were invited to discuss how the curb-space functioned for their buildings' uses prior to developing changes in curb-space regulations. Upon completion of the revised curb-space regulatory plans, stakeholders were given the opportunity to review and share their opinions on the recommended changes to curbside regulations.

Communication With Commercial Vehicle Operators

To spread the word about changes to commercial vehicle loading zones on K Street, NW, letters were sent to over 300 companies that deliver goods and services in downtown DC. In September 2006, DDOT informed companies of loading zone extensions to 100 feet in many locations and the new requirement to pay for the use of the space. In March 2007, DPW communicated its stepped-up parking enforcement efforts for loading zone and double-parking violations. Property managers along the targeted K Street, NW, corridor also received information from DDOT and DPW with the hope that they would spread the word to their tenants and delivery companies.

Public Education

BID personnel, Safety, Hospitality, and Maintenance employees (SAMs), and Golden Triangle Ambassadors received training on the use of the new multispace meters so that they can help the public. The SAMs and Ambassadors distributed an informational brochure on the new meters.

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  Last modified: October 20, 2020