Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Performance Measurement Knowledge Management System
Contact Information: Operations Feedback at
Transportation Operations Web Site

Federal Highway Administration
Office of Operations
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The Federal Highway Administration has launched a peer-driven, highly
useful, intuitive tool designed to provide TIM professionals with the
knowledge and tools they need to successfully implement program-level
TIM performance measures in their state.
The Knowledgebase and LISTSERV offer users complementary and
convenient tools to share and exchange knowledge and materials related
to TIM Performance Measurement!
TIM leaders from transportation and law enforcement organizations
in 11 states reached consensus on three program-level TIM objectives and associated performance measures
through FHWA's TIM Performance Measures Focus States Initiative:
- Reduce "Roadway" Clearance Time: Time between first recordable awareness of incident by a responsible agency and first confirmation that all lanes are available for traffic flow.
- Reduce "Incident" Clearance Time: Time between first recordable awareness of incident by a responsible agency and time at which the last responder has left the scene.
- Reduce the Number of Secondary Crashes: Number of unplanned crashes beginning with the time of detection of the primary incident where a collision occurs either a) within the incident scene or b) within the queue, including the opposite direction, resulting from the original incident.
Bookmark the TIM Performance Measurement Knowledgebase
Subscribe to the TIM PM LISTSERV
Image representing Performance Measurement Knowledge Management System resources, including the ListServ and the Knowledgebase. The ListServe provides tacit knowledge, on-demand availability, and specific answers to specific questions from peers and experts. The Knowledgebase contains documented knowledge, is searchable and browseable, and provides sample and reusable tools and resources.
Based on the successful tool developed by similar stakeholders for the
Department of Transportation's Integrated Corridor Management (ICM)
initiative, the TIM Performance Measurement Knowledge Management
System consists of two complementary components:
- A searchable, browseable Knowledgebase: Search and browse the
Knowledgebase to find the information you need by:
- Resource type. Find outreach materials to help you build support for
your TIM performance measurement program, sample architectures,
or data sharing memoranda of understanding that were successful in
another state.
- Performance measure. Find resources that directly relate to TIM
performance measurement in general, or specific performance
measures, including any of the three core measures developed
through the TIM Performance Measures Focus States Initiative—Incident Clearance, Roadway Clearance, and Secondary Incidents.
- TIM-related conference/events. Find interesting materials or reports
on performance measurement presented at recent events.
Bookmark the TIM Performance Measurement Knowledgebase at
- A managed email list (LISTSERV): Tap into the knowledge and insights
of others from the convenience of your desktop email! Keep yourself
and others informed on developments and events related to TIM
performance measurement, ask questions of others, share tips, or make
people aware of a new document or resource that may be helpful to
them in TIM performance measurement.
How Can the TIM Performance Measurement Knowledgebase Help You?
- Search the TIM Performance Measurement
Knowledgebase by keyword or browse
by event, resource type, or program-level
performance measure.
- Tap the TIM performance measurement
experience of peers and experts from the
convenience of your email through the TIM PM
Send an email to to subscribe to the TIM Performance Measurement LISTSERV.
How can you help?
Share your knowledge through the LISTSERV identify helpful resources to contribute to the Knowledgebase.
Paul Jodoin,
FHWA TIM Program Manager
tel: 202-366-5465
Visit the FHWA Office of Operations TIM Website at: