Emergency Transportation Operations

Federal Highway Administration Focus States Initiative: Traffic Incident Management Performance Measures Final Report

TIM Performance Measurement - Next Steps

During the final session, the group identified the next steps for nationwide adoption of TIM performance metrics.

Capitalize on Demonstrated TIM PM FSI Successes

The TIM FSI successfully demonstrated the viability of performance measurement. The initiative unexpectedly resulted in the development of a peer exchange network. The FSI peers shared innovative approaches to TIM performance measurement, data exchange and systems integration, and institutional models to promote multi-agency information exchange. A majority of the participating States continue to move ahead with implementing integrated TIM programs that involve inter-agency data exchange and performance measurement.

All of the participating States indicated the importance of continuing the information exchange, a key component of the TIM PM FSI. Responding to recommendations from the Focus States, FHWA developed an online Knowledge Management System to promote a national-level dialogue and knowledge exchange on TIM performance measurements. It is accessible at the FHWA ETO website, specifically https://ops.fhwa.dot.gov/eto_tim_pse. The TIM Performance Measurements Knowledge Management System constitutes only one of many tools that may be used to continue to promote TIM performance measurements.

TIM Outreach Strategy Plan

Produced by the TIM Focus States, the TIM Outreach Strategy Plan encompasses a five-year scope. The goals are designed to help FHWA Division Offices move key decision-makers in State transportation and law enforcement agencies from "awareness" through "comprehension," "conviction," "desire," and finally "action" to learn more about and implement TIM performance measurement and to adopt and implement the three proposed performance metrics outlined in this document.7

Performance measurement successes in other domains and its growing importance in FHWA initiatives suggest that there is an emerging market for information. States seek best practices and technical assistance in how to conduct multi-agency, multi-jurisdictional performance measurements given available resources. Examples of FHWA initiatives that emphasize performance measurement include:

  • Congestion Management Process (CMP), including management and operations into the planning process,
  • Integrated Corridor Management,
  • Several Safety initiatives, and
  • National Unified Goal (NUG) for Traffic Incident Management,

Other indicators include the importance of Performance Measurement to the National Traffic Incident Management Coalition's (NTIMC) work; the level of engagement by States in the TIM FSI; and the expression interest by other States (such as Missouri) during the FSI process.

The FSI study team recommends that FHWA support the implementation of the outreach activities. Table 6 outlines a number of cost-efficient, yet highly effective means of providing outreach to participating States. Further, the message delivered through each medium can be tailored to meet the needs of a specific audience.8

Table 6. Recommended Outreach Activities
Outreach Product/Tool Description
Conferences and Events

Conferences and events represent one of the most effective outreach opportunities for continuing to advance the State of the practice in any area. Practitioners value in-person meetings as well as virtual opportunities for peer exchange (see Webinars). This was one of the most frequently referenced suggestions by FSI participants when asked how FHWA could continue to advance program-level TIM PM:

"Bringing everyone together. Having these kinds of conferences/ workshops. This needs to be something that goes on over years. Building a bench. We need to bring new people to these meetings to keep the flow going. Maybe once per year/ maybe meet on a regional basis annually and national basis every 5 years."

Conferences also provide effective forums for distributing hardcopy outreach materials (fact sheets, trading cards); interacting with stakeholders in person (word of mouth marketing); and giving presentations on program-level TIM PM.

Structured Regional or Topic-Based Workshops Assuming a sufficient level of interest, FHWA could sponsor targeted regional or topic-based workshops on program-level TIM PM and invite one or more focus State(s) to participate as subject matter experts/peers. The FHWA peer exchange model could be used (see Office of Freight peer exchange model). For topic-based workshops, role plays, and other experiential learning techniques could be blended with more traditional peer exchange/knowledge exchange techniques to help prepare participants to be successful in their regions or home environments.
Personal contact with representatives from target States and agencies. While outreach products can help to raise awareness and generate interest in performance contracting and in FHWA's Implementation Framework, the most effective way to influence States to consider program-level TIM PM is through direct personal contact between FHWA and the target States. The outreach products can help to prepare FHWA and its representatives to communicate effectively with States about program-level TIM PM. Conferences/ events offer opportunities to do this, but phone calls and emails can be effective.
*Fact Sheet The TIM FSI developed an executive fact sheet (see appendix B) that introduces the need for program-level TIM PM, how it can benefit agencies and the public, and where States can learn more. Division offices can distribute this to State partners, and bring this to all events/forums where they are attending or presenting on TIM.
*PowerPoint Presentation The TIM FSI also developed an executive-level presentation for use by State and local transportation or law enforcement officials in building support for program-level TIM PM. Division offices can distribute this to State partners, and bring this to all events/forums where they are attending or presenting on TIM. This presentation is available on the FHWA TIM Website, and can be readily tailored if desired, to a particular audience by removing unrelated slides.
Webinar and Podcasts

Webinars represent another popular electronic means for disseminating information to a large number of people and can be podcasted along with closed captioning. One Webinar was held for general TIM stakeholder audiences near the end of the TIM FSI to introduce the FSI. FHWA can consider holding additional Webinars periodically, such as:

  • Introduce all Division Offices to program-level TIM PM and the FSI outreach strategy.
  • Conduct in-depth learning/skill development in a core area of program-level TIM PM (institutional development/partnership building, technical development, operational implementation).
  • Bring TIM stakeholders interested in TIM PM together to exchange lessons-learned, practices, and tips.
  • Announce the program-level TIM PM Knowledge Management System to stimulate interest and help regain momentum.

Webinars offer a structured, interactive forum in which stakeholders can ask questions. Webinars can be scheduled quarterly or biannually to maintain a general awareness and account for staff turnover in agencies (a key barrier to implementing program-level TIM PM cited by TIM FSI participants.

The Webinars also can be held as needed to address specific topics of interest, or to offer educational opportunities to provide stakeholders with regular opportunities to learn more about performance contracting for construction and how this approach can be helpful to them.

Questions asked during the Web conferences can serve to help FHWA to gather additional information for creating Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) lists.

Website, Knowledge Management System, and FAQs

The FHWA or other national sponsor Website (NTIMC) should function as the reliable source for the latest information on program-level TIM PM. (Note that passive mechanisms such as the Website alone are not effective means for marketing. Target audiences must be made aware of the Website, motivated to visit it, and must find the information they are seeking when they visit.)

Create pointers from all related Websites to a Web page that is dedicated to introducing program-level TIM PM; how it can benefit stakeholders; FAQs; introducing the Knowledge Management System; and include the experiences of the TIM FSI.

FHWA is developing a Knowledge Management System to allow the focus States and others interested in TIM performance measurement to continue to share information, experiences, and resources such as data exchange standards and architectures with each other. This system will be comprised of a managed email list to allow folks to tap into the collective knowledge across the country with TIM PM, as well as an online Knowledgebase for conveniently sharing documents and other downloadable products.

Press or News Release A brief news release may be used for significant updates or developments in the area of TIM PMs. News releases can be distributed to, and available from the Website, to be carried by external media.
Magazine/Journal/Web Articles A core article could be developed for a key target publication (i.e., Public Roads) introducing program-level TIM PM, the TIM FSI experience, how program-level TIM PM can benefit partner agencies, to promote the forthcoming Knowledge Management System, and explain how and where readers can learn more.
Headlines on/links from other related/partner sites

Request that partners' sites (NTIMC, Office of Operations, law enforcement/EMS associations, AASHTO, etc.) carry a headline for a period of 1-3 weeks introducing FHWA's program-level TIM Knowledge Management System. Suggested group websites include:

  • American Associate of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)
  • GeneralAmerican Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA)
  • Transportation Research Board's (TRB) Subcommittee on Systems and Operation Management (SSOM) Committee
  • International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP)
  • I-95 Corridor Coalition, and others as defined
Trading Cards Develop a business card or baseball style card that emphasizes the message in a catchy way such as "TIM is a Team Sport," and motivates practitioners to consider program-level TIM PM. Cards could feature "most valuable players," and feature individuals or teams across the country who are leading in program-level TIM performance measurement, showing that it can be done.
Managed Email List The program-level TIM performance measurement Knowledge Management System LISTSERV will serve as a primary means of information exchange and promotion for the forthcoming Knowledgebase. Transportation stakeholders regularly report preferring managed email lists (like a LISTSERV) as an efficient means of receiving quick updates on a topic of interest that they may optionally choose to pursue further if desired. Emails sent to the managed email list will include informational headlines and Website addresses to short articles or new articles in the program-level TIM performance measurement Knowledgebase that stakeholders can pursue further at their leisure.
Workshop Report (Can be posted to Knowledgebase) The workshop reports give more detailed information on how the Focus States got started in their data collection and analysis and the lessons learned. A contact list of TIM PM focus States participants is available so that you can contact them directly for more information.
Self Assessments FHWA's annual TIM Self-Assessment is another useful tool for identifying TIM performance measures and tracking those measures on a yearly basis.

Research shows that people need to be exposed to a message seven times in three different formats for the information to make an impression. This means that to effectively raise awareness about TIM performance measurements and to motivate people to take action and learn more, outreach efforts should be "layered" to ensure that target audiences receive the message multiple times. Examples of layered outreach would include using an event-driven approach and announcing the event through several channels such as:

  • A press release.
  • Targeted article.
  • Web site postings.
  • Presentations at conferences/events.
  • Distributing collateral such as trading cards or fact sheets at events.
  • A webinar.

A number of newsworthy, cost-efficient TIM Performance measurement-related events lend themselves to outreach:

  • Completion and release of the TIM PM FSI final report.
  • Launch of the program-level TIM PM Knowledge Management System.
  • Promotion of major advances in TIM PM by States that are worthy of national attention.
  • New resource updates or functionality upgrades to the TIM PM Knowledge Management System.

Through sharing the FSI's results and promoting expanded involvement of all interested States through the Knowledge Management System, FHWA's efforts will benefit all States and provide a forum where they can exchange successes in overcoming these challenges. The results and findings of this initiative will help States to identify areas where improvements in incident response capabilities can improve highway safety for both the traveling public and the responder community. As an added benefit, this study addresses a significant gap in existing resources and tools available for improving TIM performance. FHWA hopes that this report will aid States in reducing congestion, safeguarding the motoring public and responders, and contributing toward the National Unified Goal (NUG) for Traffic Incident Management through measuring TIM performance.

A supplementary PowerPoint presentation developed through this initiative follows as Appendix A, "Traffic Incident Management Performance Measurement The Focus States Initiative: On the Road to Success."


7 Note that all timeframes are approximate. The primary impetus for moving from one phase of the marketing effort to the next will be the accomplishment of the previous phase's goals.

8 Those outreach products marked with * were developed through the TIM PM FSI are available to support outreach activities.

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