Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Data Quality White Paper


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  22. Battelle, Final Report of the Evaluation of the FORETELL Consortium Operational Test: Weather Information for Surface Transportation. 2003, Prepared for U.S. Department of Transportation: Washington D.C.
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  24. Toppen, A. and K. Wunderlich, Travel Time Data Collection for Measurement of Advanced Traveler Information Systems Accuracy. 2003, Prepared for Federal Highway Administration: Washington D.C.
  25. Zhang, W., Freeway Travel Time Estimation Based on Spot Speed Measurements, in Civil Engineering. 2006, Virginia Tech: Blacksburg, VA.
  26. Cheevarunothai, P., Y. Wang, and N.L. Nihan, Identification and Correction of Dual-Loop Sensitivity Problems. Transportation Research Record, 2006(1945): p. 9.
  27. Hablas, H.E., A Study of Inclement Weather Impacts on Freeway Free-Flow Speed, in Civil Engineering. 2007, Virginia Tech: Blacksburg, VA.
  28. Weijermars, W.A.M. and E.C.V. Berkum, Detection of Invalid Loop Detector Data in Urban Areas. Transportation Research Record, 2006(1945): p. 7.
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  32. Fujito, I., R. Margiotta, W. Huang, and W.A. Perez, Effect of Sensor Spacing on Performance Measure Calculations. Transportation Research Record, 2006. 2006(1945): p. 11.
  33. Turner, S., L. Albert, B. Gajewski, and W. Eisele, Archived Intelligent Transportation System Data Quality: Preliminary Analyses of San Antonio TransGuide Data. Transportation Research Record, 2000(1719): p. 8.
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  36. Hellinga, B.R., Improving Freeway Speed Estimates from Single-Loop Detectors. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2002. 128(1): p. 10.
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  38. Wang, Y. and N.L. Nihan, Freeway Traffic Speed Estimation with Single-Loop Outputs. Transportation Research Record, 2000(1727): p. 7.
  39. Lin, W.-H., J. Dahlgren, and H. Huo, Enhancement of Vehicle Speed Estimation with Single Loop Detectors. Transportation Research Record, 2004(1870): p. 6.
  40. Coifman, B., S. Dhoorjaty, and Z.-H. Lee, Estimating Median Velocity Instead of Mean Velocity At Single Loop Detectors. Transportation Research. Part C, Emerging technologies, 2003. 11(3): p. 12.
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  43. 511 Deployment Coalition, America's Travel Information Number: Deployment Assistance Report #6, Weather and Environmental Content on 511 Services. 2003.
  44. Fayish, A.C. and P.P. Jovanis, Usability of Statewide Web-Based Roadway Weather Information System. Transportation Research Record, 2004(1899): p. 11.
  Last modified: March 25, 2021