Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Freight Facts and Figures 2009

Table 2-9. Value of U.S. Exports to and Imports from Canada and Mexico by Land Mode of Transportation: 1998-2008

In addition to total trade with Canada and Mexico, trucks and railroads carry most of the trade in each direction across both borders.  Pipelines also carry a significant volume of imports from Canada.

Table in Excel format | Historical data

Millions of current U.S. dollars

Empty cell. 1998 2000 2007 2008
Exports to Canada, total 137,745 154,847 226,058 235,681
Truck 114,806 129,825 174,343 178,593
Rail 12,280 12,947 5,497 29,438
Pipeline 93 162 3,334 4,313
Other1 10,560 11,913 22,834 23,294
Mail 7 <1 50 43
Exports to Mexico, total 70,174 7,159 118,758 129,587
Truck 60,432 82,389 93,047 100,264
Rail 6,189 10,496 19,340 21,965
Pipeline 73 302 787 1,250
Other1 3,470 3,972 5,581 6,107
Mail <1  <1  3 <1
Imports from Canada, total 162,106 210,270 284,773 301,128
Truck 108,857 127,816 150,404 141,353
Rail 37,374 49,699 65,962 63,757
Pipeline 11,120 23,117 55,016 82,018
Other1 4,575 9,571 12,957 13,555
Mail 1.74 4.05 <1 <1
FTZ2 178 63 434 445
Imports from Mexico, total 84,103 113,437 167,713 163,478
Truck 65,884 88,669 137,037 134,224
Rail 12,030 21,056 27,060 25,265
Pipeline 2 12 169 193
Other1 918   1,574   2,696   2,717
Mail <1 <1 0 <1
FTZ2 2,887 2,126 751 1,079

1“Other” includes “flyaway aircraft”or aircraft moving under their own power (i.e., aircraft moving from the manufacturer to a customer and not carrying any freight), powerhouse (electricity), vessels moving under their own power, pedestrians carrying freight, and unknown and miscellaneous.

2Foreign Trade Zones (FTZs) were added as a mode of transport for land import shipments beginning in April 1995. Although FTZs are treated as a mode of transportation in the Transborder Freight Data, the actual mode for a specific shipment into or out of an FTZ is unknown because U.S. Customs does not collect this information.


Numbers may not add to totals due to rounding.


U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, TransBorder Freight Data, available at as of June 8, 2009.


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