Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Freight Facts and Figures 2008

Tables 2-3 and 2-3M. Top Commodities: 2002

Bulk products comprise nearly two-thirds of the tonnage but only one-fifth of the value of goods moved in 2002.  Motor vehicles, machinery, pharmaceuticals, and other manufactured goods comprise over two-thirds of commodity movements by value but only 15 percent of the tonnage.

Table 2-3 (standard units)

Table in Excel format

Tons (millions)
Total (R) 19,328
Natural gas & related1 2,687
Gravel 2,048
Cereal grains 1,330
Crude petroleum 1,284
Coal 1,261
Nonmetal mineral products 1,138
Gasoline 1,090
Waste/scrap 926
Fuel oils 560
Natural sands 557


Value ($ billions)
Total (R) 13,228
Machinery 1,866
Electronics 948
Mixed freight 944
Motorized vehicles 855
Natural gas & related1 729
Textiles/leather 545
Pharmaceuticals 519
Unknown 458
Chemical products 444
Miscellaneous manufactured products 411

Key: R = revised.

1Natural gas, selected coal products, and products of petroleum refining, excluding gasoline, aviation fuel, and fuel oil.


U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Office of Freight Management and Operations, Freight Analysis Framework, Version 2.2, 2007.


Table 2-3M (metric units)

Table in Excel format

Metric Tonnes (millions)
Total (R) 17,588
Natural gas & related1 (R) 2,445
Gravel (R) 1,863
Cereal grains (R) 1,211
Crude petroleum (R) 1,169
Coal (R) 1,148
Nonmetal mineral products (R) 1,035
Gasoline (R) 992
Waste/scrap (R) 842
Fuel oils (R) 509
Natural sands (R) 507


Value ($ billions)
Total (R) 13,228
Machinery 1,866
Electronics 948
Mixed freight 944
Motorized vehicles 855
Natural gas & related1 729
Textiles/leather 545
Pharmaceuticals 519
Unknown 458
Chemical products 444
Miscellaneous manufactured products 411

Key: R = revised.

1Natural gas, selected coal products, and products of petroleum refining, excluding gasoline, aviation fuel, and fuel oil.


1 metric tonne = 1.1 short tons.


U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Office of Freight Management and Operations, Freight Analysis Framework, Version 2.2, 2007.



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Office of Operations