Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Table 3-8 amd 3-8M. Top 25 Airports by Landed Weight of All-Cargo Operations: 2000-20051

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reports that Anchorage International and Memphis International are two of the most important U.S. airports that handle all-cargo aircraft. All-cargo aircraft are dedicated to the exclusive transportation of cargo and do not include aircraft carrying passengers as well as cargo.

Table in Excel format | Historical data

Airport 2005 Rank Landed weight (thousands of short tons)
Landed weight (thousands of short tons)
Landed weight (thousands of short tons)
Landed weight (thousands of short tons)
Landed weight (thousands of short tons)
Anchorage, AK (Ted Stevens Anchorage International)218,0848,9949,0079,84410,364
Memphis, TN (Memphis International)26,3188,8268,7608,8859,343
Louisville, KY (Louisville International-Standiford Field)33,9874,2024,1724,3884,591
Miami, FL (Miami International)42,9293,1743,2393,4233,550
Los Angeles, CA (Los Angeles International)52,8923,0383,1203,0622,927
New York, NY (John F. Kennedy International)62,7932,9122,9372,8982,811
Indianapolis, IN (Indianapolis International)72,8842,3382,2772,3142,545
Chicago, IL (O'Hare International)82,0622,2172,3512,3592,412
Newark, NJ (Newark Liberty International)91,9611,7581,8351,7651,870
Oakland, CA (Metropolitan Oakland International)101,8111,7461,6951,7031,797
Fort Worth, TX (Dallas/Fort Worth International)111,6911,4811,4811,4311,655
Philadelphia, PA (Philadelphia International)121,4541,4661,3651,3711,401
Ontario, CA (Ontario International)131,2201,4441,3381,3261,344
Atlanta, GA (William B. Hartsfield International)141,0901,1661,1941,1621,014
Honolulu, HI (Honolulu International)156929701,017970828
Covington/Cincinnati, OH (Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International169121,0431,0981,141812
San Francisco, CA (San Francisco International)171,2671,0351,200740797
Dayton, OH (James M. Cox Dayton International)182,233897784787789
Phoenix, AZ (Sky Harbor International)19920867779801778
Denver, CO (Denver International)20900783747763763
Portland, OR (Portland International)21882816749718747
Houston, TX (George Bush Intercontinental)22480482666697710
Seattle, WA (Seattle-Tacoma International)231,060881796531709
Minneapolis, MN (Minneapolis-St Paul International/Wold-Chamberlain24622621687678702
Chicago/Rockford, IL (Chicago/Rockford International)25654630625677696
Top 25 airports3empty Cell51,79653,78653,92054,43655,955
United States, all airports4empty Cell74,74373,43373,07274,29776,091
Top 25 as % of U.S. totalempty Cell69.3%73.2%73.8%73.3%73.5%

1All-cargo operations are operations dedicated to the exclusive transportation of cargo. This does not include aircraft carrying passengers that may also be carrying cargo. Aircraft landed weight is the certificated maximum gross landed weight of the aircraft as specified by the aircraft manufacturers.
2Anchorage includes a large proportion of all-cargo operations in-transit.
3Represents top 25 airports in the reference year not necessarily the airports shown here.
4Limited to airports with an aggregate landed weight in excess of 100 million pounds (50,000 short tons) annually.

Note: 1 short ton = 2,000 lbs.

U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Air Carrier Activity Information System (ACAIS) database, All-Cargo Data, available at as of June 6, 2007.

Table 3-8M (metric units - thousand metric tonnes)
3-8M. Top 25 Airports by Landed Weight of All-Cargo Operations: 2000-20051

Table in Excel format | Historical data

Airport 2005 Rank Landed weight (thousands of metric tonnes)
Landed weight (thousands of metric tonnes)
Landed weight (thousands of metric tonnes)
Landed weight (thousands of metric tonnes)
Landed weight (thousands of metric tonnes)
Anchorage, AK (Ted Stevens Anchorage International)217,3338,1598,1718,9319,402
Memphis, TN (Memphis International)25,7328,0077,9478,0618,476
Louisville, KY (Louisville International-Standiford Field)33,6173,8123,7853,9814,165
Miami, FL (Miami International)42,6572,8792,9383,1063,221
Los Angeles, CA (Los Angeles International)52,6242,7562,8302,7782,655
New York, NY (John F. Kennedy International)62,5342,6422,6642,6292,550
Indianapolis, IN (Indianapolis International)71,8702,0112,1332,1402,309
Chicago, IL (O'Hare International)82,6162,1212,0652,0992,188
Newark, NJ (Newark Liberty International)91,7791,5951,6641,6011,697
Oakland, CA (Metropolitan Oakland International)101,6431,5841,5371,5451,631
Fort Worth, TX (Dallas/Fort Worth International)111,5341,3431,3441,2981,502
Philadelphia, PA (Philadelphia International)121,3191,3301,2381,2441,271
Ontario, CA (Ontario International)131,1071,3101,2131,2031,219
Atlanta, GA (William B. Hartsfield International)149891,0581,0831,055919
Honolulu, HI (Honolulu International)158289469961,035751
Covington/Cincinnati, OH (Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International16628880923880737
San Francisco, CA (San Francisco International)17835787707727723
Dayton, OH (James M. Cox Dayton International)182,026814712714715
Phoenix, AZ (Sky Harbor International)19817710678692706
Denver, CO (Denver International)201,1499391,089671692
Portland, OR (Portland International)21800740679651677
Houston, TX (George Bush Intercontinental)22435437604632644
Seattle, WA (Seattle-Tacoma International)23564564624615643
Minneapolis, MN (Minneapolis-St Paul International/Wold-Chamberlain24593572567614637
Chicago/Rockford, IL (Chicago/Rockford International)25682529544563632
Top 25 airports3empty Cell46,70948,52448,73749,46550,761
United States, all airports4empty Cell67,80666,61766,29067,40169,029
Top 25 as % of U.S. totalempty Cell68.9%72.8%73.5%73.4%73.5%

1All-Cargo operations are operations dedicated to the exclusive transportation of cargo. This does not include aircraft carrying passengers that may also be carrying cargo. Aircraft landed weight is the certificated maximum gross landed weight of the aircraft as specified by the aircraft manufacturers.
2Anchorage includes a large proportion of all-cargo operations in-transit.
3Represents top 25 airports in the reference year not necessarily the airports shown here.
4Limited to airports with an aggregate landed weight in excess of 100 million pounds (50,000 short tons) annually.

Note: 1 short ton = 0.91 metric tonne.

Source: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Air Carrier Activity Information System (ACAIS) database, All-Cargo Data, available at passenger/index as of June 8, 2007.

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  Last modified: May 4, 2022  
Office of Operations