Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations


  1. D. A. Quarmby, "Developments in the Retail Market and their Effect on Freight Distribution", Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, Volume 23, Number 1, January 1989.
  2. NCHRP 2-17(4) "Measuring the Relationship between Freight Transportation and industry Productivity", Final Report, HLB Decision Economics Inc., June 1995.
  3. NCHRP 342 "Primer on Transportation Productivity and Economics Development", HLB Decision Economics Inc., Sept 1991.
  4. Roberts, P.O. Logistics Supply Chain Management: New Directions for Developing Economies, on behalf of the World Bank, Feb 1999.
  5. Mohring, H., Williamson, H.F. "Scale and Industrial reorganization economies of transport improvements", Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, Sept 1969.
  6. Mohring, H. Transportation Economics, Ballinger Publishing, 1976.
  7. Baumol, W.J., Vinod, H.D. "An inventory theoretic model of freight transport demand", Management Science, Vol. 16, No. 7 Mar 1970.
  8. NCHRP Report 431. "Valuation of Travel-Time Savings and Predictability in Congested Conditions for Highway User-Cost Estimation", University of California (Irvine) and HLB Decision Economics Inc., 1999.
  9. Button, K.J., Pearman, A.D. The Economics of Urban Freight Transport, Macmillan Press, 1981.

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