Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

National Road Pricing Conference

Shoulder Conversion to HOT Lane Workshop
Workshop Project Diagram

Slide 1

Graphic.  The diagram shows a 15-mile radial freeway with 6-lanes and an Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) of 165,000.  The Freeway connects downtown employment on the lower left corner and a suburban community in the upper right corner.  This community has a population of 20,000; a medium income of $75,000; 20 percent minority, and 1.9 automobiles per household.  The freeway peak travel time on the general purpose lane from this suburban community to downtown is 20-30 minutes.  There are two park and ride locations along the freeway with transit service.  The one located next to the suburban community in the upper right corner has a transit peak travel time of 25-30 minutes.  The other park and ride lot is located next to a suburban community north of the freeway 8-miles from downtown.  The freeway peak travel time on the general purpose lane from this suburban community to downtown is 12-16 minutes.  This suburban community has a population of 40,000; a medium income of $40,000, 40 percent minority, and 1.3 automobiles per household.  There is a competing arterial connecting the suburban community and the downtown employment center below the radial freeway.  The arterial is 20 mile in length with peak travel time of 25-45 minutes.  There is a competing radial freeway straight north of the downtown employment.  This competing freeway is very congested and is currently 4-lanes to be expanded to 6-lanes in the future. For the overall diagram there is a total travelshed population of 200,000; a $50,000 median income; 30 percent minorities, and 1.5 autos per household.
  Last modified: May 3, 2022  
Office of Operations