Office of Operations
photos of traffic merging onto congested highway, congestion in snowstorm, variable message sign, cargo, variable speed limit sign in a work zone, and a freeway at night
21st century operations using 21st century technologies

FY 2016 Advanced Transportation and Congestion Management Technologies Deployment (ATCMTD) Project Awards

Freight Advanced Traveler Information System (FRATIS)
Los Angeles, California
Award: $3,000,000
The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, supported by the Gateway Cities Council of Governments, the Port of Los Angeles, the Port of Long Beach, and the Harbor Trucking Association, will implement a large-scale deployment of the Freight Advanced Traveler Information System (FRATIS) Project to help reduce truck congestion.

Los Angeles DOT Implementation of Advanced Technologies to Improve Safety & Mobility within the Promise Zone
Los Angeles, California 
Award: $3,000,000
Large-scale deployment of technology to allow the traffic signal system to detect red light-violating vehicles, allow personal wireless devices to prioritize pedestrian travel and safety at intersections, and assist transit bus drivers to operate safely and efficiently.

City of San Francisco Advanced Transportation and Congestion Management Technologies Deployment Initiative (ATCMTD)
San Francisco, California
Award: $10,990,760
The project makes intersections safer and more accessible for pedestrians and cyclists by deploying smart connected traffic signals and encourages ridesharing and carpooling through the creation of dynamic pickup curbs and a regional carpool lane system.

Denver Smart City Program
Denver, Colorado
Award: $6,000,007
The project will implement three intelligent vehicle projects: a Connected Traffic Management Center (TMC) and Connected Fleets; Travel Time Reliability as a City Service for Connected Freight; and Safer Pedestrian Crossings for Connected Citizens. The technologies include dedicated short-range communications (DSRC) in 1,500 city fleet vehicles.

A Connected Region: Moving Technological Innovations Forward in the NITTEC Region
Niagara / Buffalo, New York
Award: $7,813,256
The project will deploy technologies and strategies to improve border crossing performance and travel time and commercial vehicle operations and safety. It will enhance real-time information provided to travelers. It will expand Smart Mobility to major highways in the region to improve incident management and promote operational integration within Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority.

NW 33 Smart Mobility Corridor
Cities of Marysville and Dublin and Union County, Ohio
Award $5,997,500
The project will deploy corridor-focused connected vehicle applications across a wide range of connected fleets – city, county, transit, private fleets – in a mix of rural and suburban areas serving multiple communities to improve access to large employment sites and enhance economic development.

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Award: $10,899,318
The project will deploy "Smart Spine" corridors in Pittsburgh that layer environmental, communications, energy, and transportation infrastructure technologies to improve connections between isolated neighborhoods and major centers of employment, education and healthcare. In addition to expanding the network of connected, real-time adaptive signal controllers that will provide optimized transit operations, the City of Pittsburgh will complete an LED smart streetlight conversion of nearly 40,000 street lights.

ConnectSmart: Connecting TSMO and Active Demand Management
Houston, Texas
Award: $8,939,062
The project will deploy an advanced technology platform that integrates transportation operations and active demand management with a multi-modal approach. The ConnectSmart model platform will integrate various mobility technologies for carpooling, ridesharing and shared electric bicycles to provide reliable multi-modal travel time information.

  Last modified: October 6, 2022