FY 2018 Advanced Transportation and Congestion Management Technologies Deployment (ATCMTD) Project Awards
ATCMTD Applicants 2018
Advanced Connected Transportation Infrastructure & Operations Network (ACTION)
University of Alabama
Award: $8,034,003
The funds will be used to deploy advanced technologies – including camera, communications, sensor, and data-collection technologies — on roadways in and around Tuscaloosa.
Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA)
Bay Area Mobility-On-Demand
Award: $8,000,000
The Contra Costa Transportation Authority will enhance Bay Area MOD applications to reduce traffic congestion on the I-680 Corridor and surrounding communities.
Wolf Creek Pass Advanced Technology Deployment
Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT)
Award: $2,366,298
CDOT will use the funds on the Wolf Creek Pass Technology Deployment project to improve safety and operations for commercial and passenger vehicles by integrating connected vehicle technology with Intelligent Transportation Systems in southwestern Colorado.
Artificial Intelligence Enhanced Integrated Transportation Management System (AIITMS) Deployment Program
Delaware Department of Transportation
Award: $4,996,949
AIITMS is a multi-modal AI transportation management and control system that collects and analyzes high-resolution data collected from freeways, traffic signals, and connected and autonomous vehicles.
GDOT Connected Vehicles
Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT)
Award: $2,500,000
GDOT will use the funds on roadside infrastructure to support the operation of connected vehicle technologies, including 1,700 additional traffic signals and metered ramps in the Atlanta-metro area.
Multi-State Rural Integrated Corridor Management
Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT)
Award $2,755,000
NDOT will use the funds to demonstrate the full-scale application of information and communication management technologies and regional data-sharing to improve safety and mobility on Interstate 80 along more than one thousand miles.
Oregon Smart Mobility Network
Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT)
Award: $12,000,000
ODOT's Smart Mobility Network uses smart technologies statewide in both urban and rural regions to ease the impacts of rapid growth, guide infrastructure investments, and promote optimal mobility for all modes.
Work Zone Reservation and Traveler Information System (WZRTIS)
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
Award: $2,697,750
WZRTIS will enhance work zone operations and safety by providing accurate, standardized, and real-time work zone information across nearly 41,000 miles of roadway through Pennsylvania and Ohio.
I-10 Corridor Coalition Truck Parking Availability System (I-10 Corridor Coalition TPAS)
Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)
Award: $6,850,000
TxDOT and the I-10 Corridor Coalition will use the funding to implement a truck parking availability detection and information dissemination system at 37 public truck parking locations along I-10 from California to Texas.
Utah Connected
Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT)
Award: $3,000,000
With this grant, UDOT will fund data-sharing portals used by public and private sectors and industry and connected and autonomous vehicle applications.
ATCMTD Applicants 2018