Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Alameda County Transportation Commission
(Alameda CTC) - GoPort Freight Intelligence Transportation System


An analysis was conducted to provide estimates for the fuel savings, emission benefits, and time savings. Appendix D provides the Benefit-Cost Analysis report for the proposed GoPort Freight ITS Project and detailed calculations. The primary source used for ITS benefit and monetization parameters is the FHWA TOPS‑BC tool with information supplemented, as necessary, from the Caltrans Cal‑BC analysis tool and similar benefit/cost analyses for ITS projects in California. The Benefit-Cost Analysis was also informed by additional inputs from:

  • Port truck data from the Port Traffic Counts and the Traffic Operations Analysis Report prepared for this project;
  • Vendor cost estimates for equipment, installation and warranty of individual GoPort Freight ITS projects;
  • Statistics on outcomes for past freight-related traveler information deployments and similar projects can be used to estimate benefits, such as time savings and reduced operating costs;
  • Turn times for Port-specific trucks, as reported by DrayQ, a mobile application for the intermodal drayage industry, used to calculate potential economic benefits to the freight
    industry if increased operational efficiency can lead to an increase in turns per day; and
  • Valuation of benefits (time, air pollutants, and collisions) from MTC, the transportation planning, financing and coordinating agency for the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area.

Benefit-Cost Assessment Results

Based on the benefit and cost analysis results, the estimated benefit-cost ratios corresponding to each scenario (future horizon years of 2020 and 2035) for the GoPort Freight ITS Project are shown in Table 6. The methodology and calculations that support these results are transparent and repeatable, and are detailed in Appendix D.

Table 6: Benefit-Cost Ratios
Scenario Benefit-Cost Ratio
Year 2020 10.6 to 1
Year 2035 12.0 to 1
Office of Operations