Houston Managed Lanes Case Study: The Evolution of the Houston HOV System


  1. "High-Occupancy Vehicle Project Case Studies History and Institutional Arrangements." Katherine F. Turnbull, Texas Transportation Institute, The Texas A&M University System, College Station, Texas, December 1990.

  2. "An Evaluation of High-Occupancy Vehicle Lane in Texas, 1977." William R. Stockton, Ginger F. Daniels, Doug A. Skowronek, and David M. Fenno, Texas Transportation Institute, The Texas A&M University System, College Station, Texas, November 1999.

  3. "Traveler Response to Transportation System Changes Interim Handbook – Chapter Two – HOV Facilities." Richard H. Pratt, Texas Transportation Institute, et al., Transit Cooperative Research Program, Washington, D.C., 2000.

  4. "Investigation of Land Use, Development, and Parking Policies to Support the Use of High-Occupancy Vehicles (HOV) in Texas." Katherine F. Turnbull, Patricia A. Turner, and Nell Frazer Lindquist, Texas Transportation Institute, The Texas A&M University System, College Station, Texas, November 1995.

  5. "An Assessment of Carpool Utilization of the Katy High-Occupancy Vehicle Lane and the Characteristics of Houston’s HOV Lane Users and Nonusers." Diane L. Bullard, Texas Transportation Institute, The Texas A&M University System, College Station, Texas, October 1991.

  6. "Feasibility of Priority Lane Pricing on the Katy HOV Lane: Feasibility Assessment." William R. Stockton, Cindy L. Grant, Cynthia J. Hill, Frank McFarland, Nancy R. Edmonson, and Michael A. Ogden, Texas Transportation Institute, The Texas A&M University System, College Station, Texas, June, 1997.

  7. "11th International Conference on High-Occupancy Vehicle Systems Conference Proceedings, Seattle, Washington, October 27-23, 2002." Katherine F. Turnbull, Texas Transportation Institute, The Texas A&M University Systems, College Station, Texas, October, 2002.

  8. "Houston High-Occupancy Lane Operations Summary." Prepared for the Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County by the Texas Transportation Institute, March 2003.

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