List of Exhibits

Exhibit 1 TMC Activities
Exhibit 2 Responses to question: Please check all the methods that your agency uses, or will use, to distribute information to the public.
Exhibit 3 Responses to question: Please check all the methods that your agency distributes, or will distribute, to the public.
Exhibit 4 TMC Activity
Exhibit 5 Responses to question: Has a multi-agency contact list been developed in your area containing the names, phone numbers, pager numbers, and other pertinent information for the appropriate response personnel?
Exhibit 6 Responses to question: Is there a legal specification by state law or formal agreement as to who is in charge at the scene of a traffic incident (Incident Commander)?
Exhibit 7 Response to question: What agency usually directs traffic on scene at major traffic incidents in your area?
Exhibit 8 Response to the question: With what types of agencies does your agency electronically share real-tilme and/or after-the-fact reporting information on traffic incidents?
Exhibit 9 Response to the question: What criteria must be met to implement the alternate route plan?
Exhibit 10 Response to the question: Please indicate the following components of the agreement.
Exhibit 11 Response to the question: Please identify the partner organizations that created your regional traffic operations agency.
Exhibit 12 Response to the question: Which description most accurately characterizes the organization of your regional traffic operations agency?
Exhibit 13 Response to the question: In managing day-to-day traffic incidents and operations, which organizations does your agency coordinate with most closely?
Exhibit 14 Response to the question: How does your agency currently monitor Homeland Security Advisory System (HSAS) Alert Levels and local/regional/state warning systems?
Exhibit 15 Response to the question: Does your agency currently have access to any of the following resources?
Exhibit 16 Response to the question: How does your agency currently monitor warning systems associated with natural disasters?
Exhibit 17 Response to the question: In the event of an unexpected emergency in your region, how are traffic operations personnnel typically notified?
Exhibit 18 Response to the question: If your agency deploys personnel on-scene, how do traffic operations personnel at the center communicate with them?
Exhibit 19 Response to the question: In your jurisdiction, has your agency supported or coordinated development of any of the following for rapid implementation during an actual emergency?
Exhibit 20 Inventory of Emergency Transportation Operations Capabilities
Exhibit 21 Incident Classification System and Transportation Impacts
Office of Operations