Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Improving Transportation Systems Management and Operations – Capability Maturity Model Workshop White Paper – Systems and Technology

Appendix: Steps to Implement Common Implementation Plan Priority Actions for Systems and Technology Dimension

The steps listed below identify the most common priority actions identified by workshop participants when developing their implementation plans. Although the actions themselves are not stated, they generally address improvement in each of the systems and technology elements. The steps for each action were developed by the workshop site core team, assisted by a template of facilitator-supplied suggested steps based on workshop outputs, and structured consistent with the basic CMM guidance presented in the AASHTO TSM&O Guidance.

Regional architectures

  1. Assess, update, and use regional and Statewide ITS architectures
    1. Revisit methodologies to encompass holistic TSM&O environment and apply to future revisions

Project systems engineering/testing and validation

  1. Develop and implement ITS-related training program
    1. Maintain and/or improve awareness and use of systems engineering approach
    2. Investigate rotation program for electrical engineers to enhance systems engineering state of practice
  2. Develop systems and technology to collect and display real-time transportation data to actively and coordinate traffic and integrate city and county traffic signals and transit technology
  3. Establish new operating procedures at the TOC to support ICM, develop strategies for coordinating with local agencies to improve freeway/arterial coordination, and formalize agreements with appropriate arterial management agencies for future ICM corridors


  1. Seek opportunities to reform, streamline, and improve the current TSM&O procurement process
    1. Develop relationships and agreements with procurement entities relating to software, hardware, and IT services
    2. Develop a clearinghouse of standard specifications for frequently procured TSM&O technology
    3. Develop ITS qualified product list
  2. Implement communications with traffic signals to support central control and management from TOC; implement a comprehensive signal operations and management program, leveraging a new centralized signal control system
    1. Investigate need for and level of standardization for traffic signals statewide
  3. Investigate need for standard communications protocol among systems’ interface to facilitate interoperability, including CAD dispatch integration
  4. Define TSM&O data/system requirements that support the exchange of information among State and local agencies to improve safety/mobility, coordinate traffic incident management, support emergency transportation operations, and facilitate multimodal traveler information
    1. Improve TSM&O communications capabilities and information exchange protocols for major incidents
    2. Develop CAD information sharing plans and procedures.

Other Actions – Maintenance/Asset Management

  1. Evaluate existing ITS devices asset management needs (upgrade/replace/remove) and resource implications
  2. Establish a TSM&O asset management strategy that includes life cycle considerations for maintenance and replacement
  3. Develop asset management performance guidelines by
    1. Completing inventory of ITS devices and assets
    2. Developing a business plan for maintenance and replacement
  Last modified: February 1, 2017  
Office of Operations