Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Improving Transportation Systems Management and Operations – Capability Maturity Model Workshop White Paper – Organization and Staffing

8. References

AASHTO TSM&O Guidance: Organization and Staffing Dimension. AASHTO’s web-based TSM&O Guidance follows the six dimensions of TSM&O capability described in this white paper, including organization and staffing. It is designed for transportation agency managers whose span of control relates to the operations and management of the roadway system, including policy-makers and program managers for ITS and TSM&O at both the State and regional level. It structures key insights from a review of the State of the practice in TSM&O among transportation agencies into a well-accepted change management framework that identifies doable steps toward mainstreaming TSM&O on a continuously improving basis. Specific guidance for organization and staffing is cited here for advancing an agency currently at Level 1 to Level 2 within the CMM framework. Other level changes within the framework can be found on the AASHTO TSM&O Guidance web site.

A Transportation Executive’s Guide to Organizational Improvement, NCHRP 20-24(42), 2006. This report is a guide to State DOT best practice in organizational improvement programs and performance. It provides guidance on determining where and how to start improving organizational effectiveness. Actual State program examples, tips, and data are included among detail on these nine success factors that contribute to organizational improvement effectiveness.

Attracting, Recruiting, and Retaining Skilled Staff for Transportation System Operations and Management, NCHRP Report 693, 2012. This report considers the supply and demand of both the current and future TSM&O workforce – the actions transportation agencies may take to attract, recruit, develop, and retain skilled staff with needed capabilities; and the tools that are available or may be developed to assist agencies in their efforts to ensure the availability of skilled professionals to meet the growing demand. Five critical issues are identified which currently are affecting TSM&O workforce attraction, recruitment, training, and retention: 1) baby boomer retirement; 2) demographic changes in the workforce; 3) availability of training; 4) new technologies; and 5) demand on transportation agencies.

Supplemental information is available in NCHRP Web-Only Document 182, which includes a set of tables compiling TSM&O job categories, number of positions, and educational requirements for all 50 States.

An Executive Workbook provides a summary of the project results and recommendations for senior management personnel.

CDOT Transportation Systems Management and Operations Reorganization Report,CDOT, 2014. (Available upon request from CDOT.) See discussion in Section 8.0.)

Developing Transportation Agency Leaders, NCHRP Synthesis 349, 2005. This report examines leadership development programs in 25 States and 7 private-sector firms to address succession management among transportation agency leaders at a time when many experienced leaders are retiring or moving on to other opportunities. The report states that its findings and examples of private sector programs have much to offer in application to public sector transportation agencies. The report also contains a current examination of State DOT workforce challenges, a literature review synthesis of successful practices in developing agency leaders, and existing state practices on recruitment and retention of current and future leaders.

Attracting, Recruiting, and Retaining Skilled Staff for Transportation System Operations and Management, NCHRP 693, 2012. The purpose of this project was to provide transportation agencies with strategies and resources to meet their needs for attracting, recruiting, and retaining transportation system operations and management (SOM) staff. The research considers the potential supply and demand for SOM skills and staffing; the actions transportation agencies may take to attract, recruit, develop, and retain skilled staff with SOM capabilities; and the tools that are available or may be developed to assist agencies in attracting and recruiting skilled staff in this area.

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Office of Operations