Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Improving Transportation Systems Management and Operations – Capability Maturity Model Workshop White Paper – Organization and Staffing

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U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
Office of Operations
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

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April 2015

Table of Contents

Executive Summary



State of the Practice Findings for TSM&O Organization and Staffing


Program Status

Organizational Structure

Staff Development

Recruitment and Retention


State DOT and Regional Implementation Plan Priorities

Best Practices and National Needs

Chapter 1: TSM&O Capability Maturity Self-Assessment Program: General Background

1.1 TSM&O and the Capability Maturity Model

1.2 CMM Self-Assessment Workshops

1.3 The Capability Maturity Self-Assessment Framework

1.4 CMM Self-Assessment Workshops Analyzed

Chapter 2: Summary of All Capability Dimensions

2.1 Synergies among Dimensions of Capability

2.2 General Implementation Plan Priorities for All Six Dimensions

Business Processes

Systems and Technology

Performance Measurement


Organization and Staffing


Chapter 3: State of the Practice for the Organization and Staffing Dimension

3.1 The Organization and Staffing Dimension

3.2 Program Status

3.3 Organizational Structure

3.4 Staff Development

3.5 Recruitment and Retention

Chapter 4: Relationships to Other Capability Dimensions

4.1 Synergy

4.2 Span of Control

Chapter 5: Implementation Plan Capability Improvement Actions

5.1 Review/Define Organizational Structure for TSM&O

5.2 Develop TSM&O Staffing and Succession Plans

Chapter 6: Best Practice Examples

Chapter 7: Addressing Needs on the National Level

Chapter 8: References

Appendix: Steps to Implement Common Implementation Plan Priority Action for Organization and Staffing Dimension

List of Tables

Table 1.1 Self-Assessment CMM Workshop Locations Analyzed in this White Paper

Table 2.1 Workshop Self-Assessment Levels Distribution by Dimension (23 Workshops)

Table 3.1 Self-Assessment Workshop Levels of Capability Maturity for Organization and Staffing

Table 7.1 Suggested National Activities to Support Improvements in Organization and Staffing

List of Figures

Figure 2.1 Graph. Distribution of Self-Assessments (23 Workshops)

Figure 2.2 Graph. Synergy among Dimensions of Capability

Figure 3.1 Graph. Organization and Staffing Compared to Other Dimensions of Capability

Figure 4.1 Graph. Key Synergisms between Organization and Staffing and Other Dimensions

  Last modified: February 1, 2017  
Office of Operations