Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Improving Transportation Systems Management and Operations – Capability Maturity Model Workshop White Paper – Collaboration

5. Implementation Plan Capability Improvement Actions

More than half of the workshop sites included some aspect of Collaboration in their implementation plans to improve agency capability. Within these states/regions, the highest priorities related to improving incident management – easily the most visible form of TSM&O collaboration. Several states/regions focused on the need to improve collaboration with MPOs and local governments. Typical participant-suggested actions for advancement to the next level of capability in Collaboration are presented below in order of frequency of inclusion:

  • Execute MOU with State police/fire/public safety agencies for TIM practices
  • Establish a forum to build better interagency relationships and improve TIM practices
  • Update/implement TIM strategic plan
  • Institute corridor platforms/forums for improved collaboration/operations strategies
  • Participate in/advance TIM training
  • Conduct outreach to partners for improved transportation management
  • Disseminate incident management best practice to local jurisdictions
  • Perform overall assessment of stakeholder groups’ ability to advance TSM&O
  • Create a formal institutional structure to enhance reliability performance measurement collaboration and coordination
  • Identify best practices in overcoming risk and liability issues pertaining to TSM&O
  • Conduct a Regional Operations Forum
  • Leverage university relationships.

The appendix presents the key implementation plan work tasks commonly identified for these priorities. The highlights of these priority actions are discussed below.

5.1 Improve the Collaborative Aspects of Multiagency Transportation Incident Management

Most of the workshop focus on collaboration was in the context of incident management and planned special events. State DOT managers recognize that their ability to affect delay and safety is substantially dependent on alignment and cooperation with public safety agencies with incident command. SHRP 2 and FHWA-sponsored incident management training has been conducted widely and has exposed State DOT staff and their public safety partners to incident management state of the practice, including the value of more formal collaboration. Implementation plan suggestions targeted the need to develop working memoranda of understanding and more formal working arrangements, including setting up a “forum” (e.g., TIM Task Force), executing a formal agency-to-agency agreement, developing a joint interagency TIM strategic plan, and conducting co-training.

5.2 Other Forms of Collaboration

Individual states/regions identified other specific areas for improved collaboration related to other activities beyond incident and planned special event management. These include the need to develop common performance measure on an interjurisdictional basis with MPOs, local governments, and transit and toll authorities to support a collaborative focus on key performance objectives. While the need for collaborative planning was widely acknowledged, participants also recognized the need to make adjustments to the conventional planning process at both the metropolitan and state level to more clearly accommodate TSM&O’s special characteristics. In addition, several states/regions who are undertaking major corridor development programs also noted the importance of real-time operational collaboration including interoperable technology and standard decision-support systems. Several states/regions noted that the advent of additional technology such as connected vehicles may require entirely new forms of public-private partnerships with a range of new information and service providers.

Office of Operations