Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Organizing for Reliability – Capability Maturity Model Assessment and Implementation Plans
Executive Summary

Appendix A. Implementation Plan Priority Actions

This appendix provides a summary of suggested implementation plan priority actions for each dimension along with the frequency of the action being cited at the workshop locations.

Table A.1 Business Processes Priority Actions
Action Items Times Cited
Create regional/statewide TSM&O plan/program/TSM&O Program Plan 13
Integrate TSM&O into TIP/LRTP/Other statewide/regional plans/existing planning processes 8
Develop TSM&O business case for various key stakeholders 4
Establish methods to evaluate TSM&O vs. capacity options, including B/C 3
Modify project development process to accommodate TSM&O 3
Prepare statewide TIM plan/program as standalone activity 2
Design a performance based programming process (all projects) 1
Establish forum to discuss/evaluate/recommend promising technologies, processes and policies 1
Identify institutional mechanism to shorten planning horizons to facilitate TSM&O solutions 1
Undertake corridor performance-based improvement projects 1
Establish communications plan (explaining ops strategies benefits) 1
Update existing ITS Strategic Plan (incorporate districts) 1
Create process to integrate signal maintenance and upgrades into asset mgt. 1
Seek opportunities for greater involvement with planning partners 1
Establish a pool of funding for TSM&O 1
Pilot FHWA INVEST model for operations and maintenance sustainability assessment 1
Table A.2 Systems and Technology Priority Actions
Action Items Times Cited
Improve IT/ITS procurement (including applying best practice) 5
Assess/update regional/statewide ITS architecture/deployment plan 4
Improve traveler info systems/technology (collection and display) 2
Improve TIM info dissemination/exchange 2
Review/develop data sharing practices/policies (TIM,CAD, traffic control, etc.) 2
Establish ITS Qualified Products List 2
Investigate standard communications protocol to facilitate interoperability 1
Investigate need/level for traffic signal standardization 1
Implement comprehensive signal operations and management program for central control 1
Identify needed technical capacities/KSAs for IT/ITS 1
Develop/implement ITS training and rotation program 1
Design strategy/plan to institutionalize TSM&O freeway and arterial apps through pilots 1
Develop TSM&O asset management system/performance guidelines 1
Improve awareness/training on systems engineering approach 1
Expand ITS systems (traffic signal integration, transit, info sharing) 1
Improve rural TMC function 1
Deploy travel management/traveler info responsive to weather 1
Develop DMS guidance and additional deployment 1
Evolve systems and technology to actively coordinate traffic (e.g., corridor adaptive ramp metering) 1
Optimally operate arterials 1
Increase participation in TMC and software systems discussions/decisionmaking 1
Formalize use of ICM (TMC operating procedures, agency coordination strategies, etc.) 1
Table A.3 Performance Measurement Priority Actions
Action Items Times Cited
Update TSM&O performance measurement plan/program/policy/data business plan 13
Agree upon and leverage TIM performance measures 2
Identify performance measures and structure to illustrate benefits 2
Incorporate TSM&O into performance-based planning documents and guidance 1
Share/disseminate performance data/info with partners 1
Consider forum for discussing and evaluating data needs and integration opportunities 1
Evaluate sources of data (internal vs. third party) 1
Identify/develop PMs for dashboard (freeway and arterial) 1
Establish/implement a travel time reliability monitoring program (SHRP 2 L02) 1
Create modeling plan and tools for supporting TSM&O analysis 1
Develop process to formally measure before and after effects of TSM&O improvements 1
Table A.4 Culture Priority Actions
Action Items Times Cited
Prepare TSM&O outreach/communications material; document lessons learned/success stories 11
Develop TSM&O business case/marketing plan/campaign 9
Institute TSM&O knowledge sharing (e.g., though identified experts and peer exchanges) 2
Establish proactive relationship with public service providers 1
Introduce executive policy/directives in support of TSM&O/ITS/total system management 1
Establish TSM&O executive steering committee to set vision and strategic priorities 1
Recruit and select TSM&O advocates beyond HQ to facilitate education 1
Identify team of TSM&O champions at senior management and division head levels 1
Table A.5 Organization and Staffing Priority Actions
Action Items Times Cited
Review/define org structure for TSM&O/Develop business case for TSM&O section 4
Develop TSM&O staffing plans 4
Design succession plans 3
Create career maps/paths and position descriptions 3
Provide technical training, mentoring, encourage staff participation in national forums 2
Provide TSM&O point of contact for each Region to advance development of TSM&O concepts and projects


Reorganize existing HQ division/District to emphasize TSM&O/corridor performance 1
Create new program framework to accommodate TSM&O 1
At management level, focus on PM plans and accountability to optimize staff utilization
and efficiency
Hold TSM&O summit 1
Conduct additional CMMs 1
Table A.6 Collaboration Priority Actions
Action Items Times Cited
Participate in/advance TIM training 3
Establish a forum to build better interagency relationships and improve TIM practices 3
Institute corridor platforms/forums for improved collaboration/ops strategies/TIM 3
Execute MOU with State police/fire/PSAs for TIM practices 2
Perform overall assessment of stakeholder groups’ ability to advance TSM&O 2
Conduct Regional Operations Forum 2
Update/implement TIM strategic plan 1
Conduct outreach to partners for improved transportation management 1
Disseminate IM best practice to local jurisdictions 1
Create formal institutional structure to enhance reliability PM collaboration and coordination 1
Identify best practices in overcoming risk and liability issues pertaining to TSM&O 1
Leverage university relationships 1
  Last modified: February 1, 2017  
Office of Operations