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The data analysis for this test plan is basic and straight forward. The number of participating employers will be monitored and recorded. Employers located in the I-35W travel shead – including downtown Minneapolis and the I-494 corridor – will be identified. To the extent information is available, the number of participating employees will be recorded and those with an origin or destination in the I-35W corridor will be identified for follow-up in obtaining information from the Survey, Interview, and Focus Group Test Plan.

Table 3-1 outlines how the data obtained from the participating employers will be examined and summarized. The data provided by the Humphrey Institute will be examined on a monthly basis. The number of participating employers and employees will be tracked and a trend line will be established and updated monthly. The growth in participation will be examined along with changes in commuting behavior resulting from other UPA projects.

Table 3-1. Summary Information on Participating Employers
empty cell Number
Total Participating Employers empty cell
Employers in I-35W Corridor empty cell
Employers in Downtown Minneapolis empty cell
Employers I-494 Corridor empty cell
Employers in I-35W Corridor empty cell
ROWE empty cell
Telework empty cell
Alternative Work Arrangement empty cell
Total Number of Employees empty cell
Total Number of Eligible Employees empty cell
Total Number of Participating Employees empty cell
Total Number of Participating Employees Using I-35W in Commute empty cell