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Members of the Battelle team have already begun data collection activities related to this test plan. Team members have registered with Google Alert and added key Minnesota UPA terms to TTI's existing Vocus contract. Team members have signed up for the MARQ2 updates and are receiving notices. Team members also attended one of the initial stakeholder outreach forums in August 2008. Team members are on the distribution list for the UPA outreach activities being conducted by CTS.

Members of the Battelle team will continue to monitor these on-line resources over the course of the pre- and post-deployment periods. Team members will also review reports and documents from partnering agencies and information distributed by CTS and other information available from partnership agencies. Table 4-1 presents the schedule for the pre- and post-deployment data collection, analysis, and reports.

Table 4-1. Content Analysis Pre- and Post-Deployment Schedule
Activities Schedule
Pre-Deployment Data Collection Present to October 2009
Interim Status Report June 2010
Post-Deployment Data Collection October 2009 to October 2011
Interim Status Report April 2011
Final Report April 2012

The resource requirements for this test plan include:

  • Battelle team member who will receive and analyze the data;
  • automated reporting services (Google Alert, Vocus, Mn/DOT, and MARQ2) available to the Battelle team; and
  • Mn/DOT, the Metropolitan Council, CTS, Metro Transit, MVTA, and other local partners who will provide MOUs, resolutions, executive actions, reports, news releases, outreach and public information materials, and other related information and tracking logs of comments received.
  Last modified: February 11, 2022