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The information obtained in this test plan will be used in the non-technical success factors analysis and will support other analyses. The following hypotheses and questions provide examples of how the qualitative information obtained in the test plan will be applied in the evaluation.

  • What types of outreach materials and activities were used by the Minnesota UPA partners?
  • What was the extent and nature of media coverage of the UPA projects?
  • What was the reaction of travelers in the corridors and areas affected by Minnesota UPA projects as reported in the media and in communications to the agencies?
  • What was the reaction of policy makers to the Minnesota UPA projects as reported in the media?

Members of the Battelle team will document reports and the use of various outreach and public information materials, press releases, stakeholder workshops, and other related activities by the Minnesota partnership agencies. Table 3-1 illustrates how the information will be tracked, categorized, and analyzed. The content of the information provided will be summarized, along with the target audiences. Team members will also document the reactions of policy makers, the public, and other groups. To the extent possible, reactions by different user groups, socio-economic groups, and geographic areas will be examined to assist with the equity, environmental, and other analyses.

Table 3-1. Content Analysis Tracking Log
Date of Item Source Audience (if available) UPA Projects Referenced Nature of Comments/Coverage Evaluation Team Discussion
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  • Was coverage neutral, positive, negative,
  • Type of information (status, use guidelines, technical, policy-oriented, etc.)
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  Last modified: February 11, 2022