Department of Transportation: Federal Highway Administration
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final report

Traffic Congestion and Reliability:
Trends and Advanced Strategies for Congestion Mitigation

6.0 Concluding Thoughts: Where Do We Go from Here?


Success against congestion requires not only attacking it on multiple fronts with strategies from the Congestion Relief Tool Box (Section 4.0). It also requires cooperation between transportation agencies, public safety agencies, businesses, and the public. Since we are all affected by congestion, it is important that we all work together to address the congestion problem. Here are some ways that transportation agencies, businesses, and the public can collaborate to mitigate congestion.

Take Ownership

The first step is for all parties to recognize they have a stake in the congestion problem. Public agencies are in the business of serving customers the same way that any private firm is—except that the customers (the public and businesses) are buying efficient and safe travel. The public, elected officials, and businesses are more than just consumers—they are shareholders too. These consumers also should examine their own decisions and policies to identify changes that can improve their quality of life while recognizing that the agencies cannot solve the problem by themselves. The ongoing transportation planning process, which has been successfully used in major metropolitan areas for at least the past 40 years to address transportation problems, provides an excellent framework for promoting ownership of congestion problems. A major part of the transportation planning process is establishing a Vision that outlines what the future transportation system should look like. The Vision leads to more specific statements of desired actions to achieve these states or characteristics. The Vision is also an opportunity to educate all stakeholders on the nature of congestion in your area and the importance of mitigating it.

Identify Where the Congestion Problems and Opportunities Are

Both technical analyses and anecdotal information from the public are useful in identifying where the major congestion problems currently are and what causes them. Discuss where the problems are likely to occur in the next five, 10, and 20 years. The existing transportation planning process in metropolitan areas can be tapped as a resource for this purpose. Provide realistic assessments on what can reasonably be done in each case, and what the expected improvements might be. FHWA supports a wealth of information on expected improvements from operational strategies, such as the ITS Benefits and Cost Database.39 The process should include considering:

Develop Plans, Programs, Policies, and Projects

Solutions that effectively address congestion can take a variety of forms, as shown in the Congestion Relief Tool Box (Section 4.0). Think broadly—no single tool will be highly effective against the congestion problem. But when used in combination—and tailored to specific circumstances—congestion mitigation strategies can be successful. The strategies should be action-based—things we can actually accomplish in a reasonable timeframe and at a reasonable cost. Consider all types of strategies including adding new highway and rail capacity, improved operations, and better demand management and land use planning. For congestion, both immediate and long-term actions should be developed. Recognize that many transportation and community plans already exist and should be tapped as mechanisms for carrying out the Vision. In fact, acting on a list of "things we can do now" will help galvanize support for congestion mitigation over the long term.

Operate the Transportation System Proactively and Regionally

Focus on addressing system reliability by targeting capital and operations strategies to specific conditions. Anticipate problems and take corrective actions early. Also, regional and multimodal cooperation is key to the success of deploying effective operations —many different agencies have a stake in the congestion problem. Therefore, a broad perspective should be taken in applying capital and operations strategies—avoid a narrow, facility-oriented view.

Use Performance Measures to Track Progress

One of the main actions that transportation agencies can contribute to the process is the tracking of congestion trends over time. Trends provide a basis for determining how well actions are working and can identify changes in the underlying congestion problem (e.g., traffic incidents may become more important in your area). Use of performance measures also brings an element of accountability to the process—what we are really getting for our investments—just as private firms do. The performance measures should track progress toward achieving program goals and objectives. Several principles may be followed in establishing a performance monitoring program:


Future Reports on Congestion Trends

This report is the second in a series of planned annual reports on congestion trends, effects, and solutions. Several years ago, FHWA embarked on a support and outreach program to address the many causes of congestion and to improve highway safety through increased use of operational strategies. We are constantly learning more about the basic nature of congestion, where it is going, its impacts, and what can be done about it. As we learn more, additional information will be woven into future reports. Some of what we are learning will come from programs as outlined below.

Congestion Monitoring Activities

Part of the effort to improve support and outreach for operations was establishing national-level performance programs. The programs started small and have built to the point that enough data exists for enough cities to report trends; this report has presented some of these data. Future reports in this series will continue to use these sources.

Congestion Resources and Research

FHWA continues to develop and compile information for transportation agencies and the public on how improved operations can effectively manage congestion. Table 6.1 provides an overview of these activities, which are organized around the components of congestion as identified in this report. By addressing congestion by its root causes, both overall congestion levels and reliability are targeted. For further information, visit the FHWA Office of Operations web site:

Table 6.1 Selected FHWA Operations Congestion Mitigation Resources
Congestion Strategy Action Example Resources
Reducing Nonrecurring Congestion Traffic Incident Management
  • NCHRP - Synthesis - Safe and Quick Clearance of Traffic Incidents
  • Quick Clearance and "Move-It" Best Practices - I 95 Corridor Coalition
  • Traffic Incident Management Self Assessment Tool
  • Model Procedures Guide for Highway Incidents
  • Integrated Computer-Aided Dispatch-TMC Field Operational Test
Work Zone Management
  • QuickZone (Traffic Impact Analysis) Tool and Training
  • Work Zone Self-Assessment Tool
  • Work Zone Best Practices Guidebook
  • Accelerated Construction Technology Transfer
  • ITS in Work Zones: A Cross-Cutting Study
Road Weather Management
  • Clarus Initiative (integrated surface transportation weather observing, forecasting and data management system)
  • Maintenance Decision-Support System Project
  • Best Practices for Road Weather Management
  • Fundamentals of Road Weather Management Training Course
  • Weather Responsive Traffic Management Analysis and System Development
  • Work Zone Communications and Outreach Activities
Special Events Traffic Management
  • Training Course on Managing Travel for Planned Special Events
  • Managing Travel for Planned Special Events Handbook
Reducing Recurring Congestion Freeway Management
  • Configuration Management for Transportation Management Systems
  • Freeway Management and Operations Handbook
  • Freeway Management and Traffic Operations Training Course
  • Managed Lanes Case Studies
Arterial Management
  • Access Management, Location and Design Training Course
  • Adaptive Urban Signal Control and Integration (AUSCI) Final Evaluation Report
  • Cross Jurisdictional Signal Coordination Case Studies
  • National Traffic Signal Report Card (w/NTOC)
Corridor Traffic Management
  • Brochure, primer and handbook on managing and controlling traffic between freeways and surface streets
  • Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) Initiative
Travel Demand Management
  • HOV Systems Training Course
  • ITS Professional Capacity Building Program
  • Travel Demand Management Toolbox
  • Brochure on Managing Demand Through Traveler Information
Improving Day-to-Day Operations Operations Asset Management Real-Time Traveler Information Traffic Analysis Tools
  • Changeable Message Sign O&M Handbook
  • Deploy 511 Web Site
  • Portable Changeable Message Sign Handbook
  • Displaying Travel Times on DMS Technical Guidance
  • National Traffic and Road Closure Information Web Site
Creating a Foundation for 21st Century Operations Planning for Operations
  • Guidance on Regional Collaboration and Coordination
  • Guidance on Linking Planning and Operations
  • Advancing TSM&O Executive Session and Training Course
  • Advancing TSO&M Course
  • Guidance on Regional Concept for Transportation Operations
Performance Measurement
  • Technical Guidance and Case Studies in Performance Measurement
Facilitating Integrated ITS Deployment
  • Standards Development
  • Architecture Development, Maintenance, and Use
Improving Global Connectivity by Enhanced Freight Management and Operations Freight Analysis
  • Freight Analysis Framework
Freight Professional Development
  • Integrating Freight in the Transportation Planning Process
Intermodal Freight Technology Truck Size and Weight
  • Cargo*Mate Logistics Information Management
  • Electronic Intermodal Supply Chain Manifest - Freight Operational Test Evaluation Final Report
  • Border Wizard
Improving Mobility and Security through Better Emergency Management Emergency Transportation Operations (internal)
  • Public Safety and Security Program Brochure
Emergency Transportation Operations (external)
  • FHWA Order 5181.1, Emergency Notification and Reporting Procedures



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  Last modified: March 23, 2020  
Office of Operations