Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

FHWA National Dialogue on Highway Automation
Philadelphia, PA
June 26-27, 2018

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Small Group Session 1, Section 1: Policy Issues and Challenges


  1. From your perspective, what is the biggest policy challenge for enabling automation on the roadways?
  2. What current legislation, regulations, and/or State programs constrain or enable AV operations, maintenance, or investment?
  3. What are the potential impacts of AVs to system users? What are the policy questions in this area?

Small Group Session 1, Section 2: Planning Issues and Challenges


  1. What is the most important issue facing the transportation planning community as it relates to AVs?
  2. What are the potential effects of AVs on transportation mode choice and travel behavior over time?
  3. How can planning prepare for a safe and efficient integration of Automated Vehicles into the roadway system?

Small Group Session 2, Section 1: Policy Opportunities


  1. What types of scenario planning activities would be helpful in understanding modal interactions with AVs?
  2. How could AVs affect transportation funding and revenues? What are the challenges and opportunities?
  3. What challenges or opportunities do rural areas provide for AV implementation?

Small Group Session 2, Section 2: Planning Opportunities


  1. What planning practices will help make confident decisions despite rapid technological evolution?
  2. What are the planning issues in relation to each of the National Dialogue focus areas (Digital Infrastructure and Data, Freight, Operations, Infrastructure Design and Safety)?
  3. What questions have we missed that need to be discussed?
  Last modified: March 13, 2020  
Office of Operations