FHWA National Dialogue on Highway Automation
Detroit, MI
June 7, 2018
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Contact Information: HighwayAutomation@dot.gov
Small Group Session Part 1: Issues and Challenges for Highway Automation
- In addition to the five National Dialogue focus areas listed below, what additional topics or questions should be covered?
- Planning and Policy
- Digital Infrastructure and Data
- Freight
- Operations
- Infrastructure Design and Safety
- From your perspective, what is the biggest challenge for enabling automated vehicles on roadways?
Small Group Session Part 2: Developing New Models for Partnering: Bringing Industry, Government, and Associations Together
- What should FHWA be doing to facilitate partnerships and collaboration among various stakeholders interested in automated vehicle adoption?
- What existing collaborative forums are you aware of that might be useful for FHWA to participate in to further the objectives of the national dialogue?
- In your opinion, what are pitfalls to watch out for in the development of these partnerships?
- What should be the FHWA role in supporting "roadway readiness" for highway automation?