Office of Operations
photos of traffic merging onto congested highway, congestion in snowstorm, variable message sign, cargo, variable speed limit sign in a work zone, and a freeway at night
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Access Management

Access Management (AM) is a set of techniques that State and local governments can use to control access to highways, major arterials, and other roadways. The benefits of access management include improved movement of traffic, reduced crashes, and fewer vehicle conflicts. For more information, please visit the links below:

National Access Management Conferences

The biennial conferences are sponsored by the Transportation Research Board's Access Management Committee. The conferences bring together planners, engineers, developers, consultants, and academia, to discuss current practices and case studies. For information on past and future conferences, please visit

Contact Us

If you are looking for more information about Access Management or have suggestions for links to post to this web site, please contact Neil Spiller at the information below.

Neil Spiller
Program Manager, Access Management
FHWA Office of Operations – Office of Travel Management

  Last modified: June 3, 2021