Road Weather Management Program
photos of lightning, trucks plowing snow, an empty road before a storm, and an evacuation
Office of Operations 21st century operations using 21st century technologies


AASHTO - American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials

AFWS - Automated Flood Warning System

AMS - American Meteorological Society

ASOS - Automated Surface Observing System

ATIS - Advanced Traveler Information System

ATMS - Advanced Traffic Management System

AVCS - Advanced Vehicle Control System

AVL - Automated Vehicle Location

AWIPS - Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System

AWOS - Automated Weather Observing System

B/C - Benefit/Cost

BMP - Best Management Practice

CASA - Collaborative Adaptive Sensing of the Atmosphere

CCTV - Closed Circuit Television

CD - Compact Disk (data disk)

CDPD - Cellular Digital Packet Data

CMAQ - Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality

COMET - Cooperative Program for Operational Meteorology, Education and Training

COOP - National Weather Service (NWS) Cooperative Observer Program

COOP-M - NWS Cooperative Observer Program Modernization

CRN - Climate Reference Network (NOAA)

CRREL - U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory

CWSA - Commercial Weather Services Association

DHS - Department of Homeland Security

DMS - Dynamic Message Sign

DOC - Department of Commerce

DOE - Department of Energy

DOT - Department of Transportation

DPS - Department of Public Safety

DSL - Digital Subscriber Line

DSS - Decision Support System

EOC - Emergency Operations Center

EPA - Environmental Protection Agency

ESS - Environmental Sensor Station

FAA - Federal Aviation Administration

FHWA - Federal Highway Administration

FMCSA - Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

FRA - Federal Railroad Administration

FTA - Federal Transit Administration

FSL - Forecast Systems Laboratory (NOAA)

GFS - Global Forecast System (NWS weather model)

GIS - Geographic Information System

GOES - Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite

GPS - Global Positioning System

GSD - Global Systems Division (formerly Forecast Systems Laboratory) (NOAA)

HAR - Highway Advisory Radio

HAZMAT - Hazardous Material

HCN - Historical Climate Network (NOAA)

HOTO - FHWA Office of Transportation Operations

ISOS - Integrated Surface Observing System

ISP - Internet Service Provider

ITS - Intelligent Transportation System

ITSA - Intelligent Transportation Society of America

LAPS - Local Analysis and Prediction System

MADIS - Meteorological Assimilation and Data Ingest System

MDSS - Maintenance Decision Support System

MESONET - Meso (small scale) network of meteorological stations

MIT/LL - Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Lincoln Laboratory

MM5 - Mesoscale Model Version 5

MMDI - Metropolitan Model Deployment Initiative

MODSS - Maintenance and Operations Decision Support System

MOS - Model Output Statistics

NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration

NCAR - National Center for Atmospheric Research

NCDC - National Climatic Data Center

NCEP - National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NOAA)

NCHRP - National Cooperative Highway Research Program

NCTIP - National Transportation Communications for ITS Protocol

NDFD - National Digital Forecast Database

NERON - NOAA's Environmental Real-time Observing Network

NHC - National Hurricane Center (NOAA)

NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

NOS - National Ocean Service

NSF - National Science Foundation

NSSL - National Severe Storms Laboratory (NOAA)

NSWOS - National Surface Weather Observing System (NOAA)

NTSB - National Transportation Safety Board

NWS - National Weather Service

OCD - Operational Concepts Description

OFCM - Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology

OK-FIRST - Oklahoma's First-response Information Resource System using Telecommunications

OLETS - Oklahoma Law Enforcement Telecommunications System

PC - Personal Computer

PFS - Pooled Fund Study

PHMSA - Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

PVC - Polyvinyl Chloride

RCTM - Road Condition and Treatment Module (MDSS)

RITA - Research and Innovative Technology Administration

RPU - Remote Processing Unit

RWFS - Road Weather Forecast System (MDSS)

RWFS - Road Weather Forecast System

RWIS - Road Weather Information System

RWMP - Road Weather Management Program (FHWA)

SCADA - Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition

SHEP - State Highway Emergency Patrol

STC - Smart Traffic Counter

STWDSR - Surface Transportation Weather Decision Support Requirements

TCC - Traffic Control Center

TIG - Technology Implementation Group (associated with AASHTO)

TMC - Traffic Management Center

TOC - Traffic Operations Center

TRB - Transportation Research Board

TRIS - Transportation Research Information Services

UHF - Ultra-High Frequency

USDA - Department of Agriculture

USDOT - United States Department of Transportation

USCRN - United States Climate Reference Network

UTCS - Uniform Traffic Control System

VAMS - Value Added Meteorological Services

VHF - Very High Frequency

VII - Vehicle Infrastructure Integration

VSL - Variable Speed Limit

WAN - Wide Area Network

WIST-DSS - Weather Information for Surface Transportation Decision Support System

WFO - Weather Forecast Office (NWS)

WMO - World Meteorological Organization

WRF - Weather Research and Forecasting Model

  Last modified: September 6, 2024  
Office of Operations