Road Weather Management Program
photos of lightning, trucks plowing snow, an empty road before a storm, and an evacuation
Office of Operations 21st century operations using 21st century technologies

Best Practices for Road Weather Management Version 2.0


Final Report of the FORETELL Consortium Operational Test: Weather Information for Surface Transportation


FHWA awarded a rural ITS Operational Test (OT) to the FORETELL? Consortium (Castle Rock Consultants, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Missouri DOTs) in 1997 to develop an operational test of a multi-regional road and weather forecasting/dissemination system, in partnership with the National Weather Service (NWS) and Environment Canada (EC). FORETELL proposed to provide both nowcasts and forecasts of weather information and road conditions to highway maintenance operations staff, commercial vehicle operators, highway patrol, school administrators, transit operators, traffic managers, emergency medical units, and commuters and leisure travelers. Different user groups were surveyed over three winter seasons. Although each user group had varying information needs, generally they thought the information packaged on a website was easy to obtain and useable, with a high percentage of them mentioning that they appreciated the special features such as the animation of the information over a specified time period. However, the survey results indicated both positive and negative aspects of the FORETELL system. Approximately 30-40 percent of the HMOs said that they changed their decisions based on FORETELL information, and greater than 50 percent of users said they want to continue using it in the future. However, less than 20 percent were willing to pay for the service. Commercial vehicle operators stated, they appreciated the FORETELL information but did not think it would change their key decisions (when to go, if to go, where to go). The drive to get the products to their market destination was the most important decision criteria. It is of some significance to report that the majority of all users stated that they want to use FORETELL in the future.


Battelle, Meyer, Mohaddes Associates and Weather Solutions Group, Prepared for FHWA ITS Joint Porgram Office

Date: 2003


Skarpness, Kitchener, Boselly, Thomas


Weather information
Environmental Sensor Station (ESS)
Traveler information
Winter storm
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
Observing network

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Office of Operations