Road Weather Management Program
photos of lightning, trucks plowing snow, an empty road before a storm, and an evacuation
Office of Operations 21st century operations using 21st century technologies

Best Practices for Road Weather Management Version 2.0


Benefits and Costs of Full Operations and ITS Deployment: a 2003 Simulation for Cincinnati Varying Weather and Work Zone Conditions


FHWA initiated this study to explore the benefits and costs of fully deploying operational strategies and integrating ITS in metropolitan areas. Tucson, Cincinnati, and Seattle were selected for case studies representing small, medium, and large metropolitan areas respectively. This report presents the findings of the Cincinnati, Ohio, scenario. Additional weather and work zone mitigation strategies were deployed and analyzed in the appropriate Full Operations and ITS Deployment Scenarios containing the negative impacts of inclement weather and/or construction activity. Three different weather situations were considered in this analysis -- clear, rain, and snow. Clear weather scenarios were represented using the baseline roadway network. Scenarios representing rain and snow weather conditions were represented by reducing the capacity of network roadways to simulate the negative impact of the inclement weather. Weather impacts on capacity represented a weighted average of suggested capacity reductions form the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual and the FHWA's Operations website The Cincinnati study also included an analysis of impacts during inclement weather conditions and construction activity, as well as the added benefits of weather and work zone mitigation strategies.


Federal Highway Administration

Date: 2005




Road weather information system (RWIS)
Traveler information
Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)

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Office of Operations