Safely Implementing Rolling Roadblocks for Short-Term Road Work
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Safely Implementing Rolling Roadblocks for Short-Term Road Work
FHWA Work Zone Management Program
April 23, 2019
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Webinar Purpose
- Background on Rolling Roadblocks.
- Safely Implementing Rolling Roadblocks.
- Example State Policies for Safely Implementing Rolling Roadblocks.
- Additional Information and Resources.
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Webinar Speakers
- Jawad Paracha – Federal Highway Administration
- Program Manager – Work Zone Management Program
- Larry Haas – Colorado Department of Transportation
- Traffic Operations Engineer – Northeast Region
- Dan Smith – Missouri Department of Transportation
- Traffic Management and Operations Engineer
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What is a Rolling Roadblock?
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Rolling Roadblocks
- Also referred to as traffic breaks, temporary road closures, pacing operations, or traffic pacing.
- Temporary Traffic Control (TTC) technique to temporarily slow or stop traffic in order to provide a gap in the flow of traffic in advance of downstream road work activities.
Source: Raleigh News and Observer
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Rolling Roadblocks (Continued)
- Enables the completion of short-term road work where a long-term closure using standard TTC is not needed:
- Bridge construction and replacement.
- Placing and removing overhead lights or sign structures.
- Overhead utility work.
- Blasting for rock excavation.
- Allows for faster completion of road work activities by allowing workers full access on and above a roadway, and a safer work environment by completely removing vehicles that would normally be in close proximity to workers.
Source: ATSSA
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Rolling Roadblocks (Continued)
Highly effective TTC technique, but…
The use of rolling roadblocks for short-term road work activities can pose safety hazards to the traveling public if not implemented safely.
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Safely Implementing Rolling Roadblocks
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Rolling Roadblock Policies
- A recent scan of State DOT usage of rolling roadblocks and associated policies found:
- 23 of 28 responding agencies use rolling roadblocks.
- Of the 23 States using rolling roadblocks, 16 do so routinely, but five of those States do not have policies governing their use.
- More than 40% of responding States that use rolling roadblocks do not have standard policies or procedures for their implementation.
- As a best practice, transportation agencies are encouraged to have policies and procedures in place for the safe use of rolling roadblocks.
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Rolling Roadblock Policies (Continued)
- Policies and procedures governing the use of rolling roadblocks vary by State.
- Policies should be documented in a project's Transportation Management Plan (TMP) and specifications, and in every encroachment permit involving a roadblock in the State.
Source: KYTC
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Best Practices for Rolling Roadblocks
Establishing a rolling roadblock policy:
- Specify the type of work activities, times of day, and days of the week where the use of rolling roadblocks are permitted and/or required, and clearly detail these points in TTC plans and/or technical specifications.
- Require the development of an emergency plan to handle traffic should unforeseen circumstances occur.
- Specify whether the policy varies if the work is being performed by a contractor or the agency's own employees.
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Best Practices for Rolling Roadblocks (Continued)
Prior to the start of a rolling roadblock:
- Require an advance planning meeting with all stakeholders to define responsibilities and ensure activities required for successfully executing a rolling roadblock will be completed, including notifying fire stations and other emergency response agencies.
- Require a final meeting among stakeholders before the rolling roadblock is executed to ensure all requirements have been implemented.
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Best Practices for Rolling Roadblocks (Continued)
Notifying the public prior to the start of a rolling roadblock:
- Require issuing press releases to radio and television stations, newspapers, the agency's website, and agency social media sites.
- Require advising the public in advance as to when the rolling roadblock will be performed, including using:
- Portable changeable message signs (PCMS) to display appropriate messages to the public at least a week in advance of the roadblock.
- PCMS on the day of roadblock to alert users that the operation will be happening that day, including the hours during which the roadblocks will occur.
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Best Practices for Rolling Roadblocks (Continued)
During and after the rolling roadblock:
- Specify appropriate advance warning signing to alert traffic to the downstream presence of a slow or stopped traffic condition.
- Require using any permanent changeable message signs (CMS) boards within the activity area for public notification.
- Considering the use of queue warnings systems to provide drivers with advanced notification of downstream queues.
- Ensure that traffic queue formations and their dispersals are monitored.
- Ensure that a rolling roadblock not be started until traffic from a preceding rolling roadblock has been cleared.
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Colorado Department of Transportation's Use of Rolling Roadblocks
Larry Haas – Traffic Operations Engineer
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Colorado Contact
Larry Haas
CDOT Region 4
Traffic Operations Engineer
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Missouri Department of Transportation Traffic Pacing Worksheet
Dan Smith – Traffic Management and Operations Engineer
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Traffic Pacing/Rolling Roadblock
- Before 2013, Missouri DOT did not have traffic pacing guidelines.
- MoDOT's Southwest District reviewed several states guidance for traffic pacing.
- Florida DOT had design standards for traffic pacing.
- MoDOT Southwest District developed an excel spreadsheet to calculate the pacing speed, pacing length, max. queue, total work time allowed, and hours allowed to work.
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Locating Traffic Pacing Worksheet

616.13 Work Zone Capacity, Queue and Travel Delay
616.13.7 Traffic Pacing,_Queue_and_Travel_Delay
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Step No 1
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Traffic Pacing
- Traffic pacing worksheet provides information (work duration, pacing speed, work hours, etc.) to develop an operation plan.
- MoDOT districts work with many partners (newspapers, radio, contractor, utilities, law enforcement, etc.) to prepare for traffic pacing operation.
- Communication and coordination is critical.
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Missouri Contacts
Daniel Smith
Traffic Management & Operations
Nick Voltenburg
Intermediate Traffic Studies
Ashley Buechter
Traffic Liaison Engineer
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Additional Information and Resources
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Guidelines on Rolling Roadblocks for Work Zone Applications
- Establishes best practices in the use of rolling roadblocks:
- Planning and coordinating a rolling roadblock.
- Executing a rolling roadblock.
- Developing a rolling roadblock planning checklist.
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Additional Resources
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Additional Resources (Continued)
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