Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Transportation Systems Management and Operations in Action

List of Acronyms

ATCS adaptive traffic control systems 
ATDM active transportation and demand management
ATM advanced traffic management
AWWS automated wind warning system
CHART Coordinated Highways Action Response Team
CTA Chicago Transit Authority 
DART Dallas Area Rapid Transit
DDI diverging diamond interchange
DLLMS dynamic late lane merge system 
DMS dynamic message sign
ICM integrated corridor management
IN-TIME Indiana's Traffic Incident Management Effort 
ITS intelligent transportation systems
MDOT Michigan Department of Transportation 
MODOT Missouri Department of Transportation
mph miles per hour
NCTCOG North Central Texas Council of Governments 
NJDOT New Jersey Department of Transportation
NJSEA New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority
NJSP New Jersey State Police
NOHSEP (New Orleans) Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness 
NOLA New Orleans, Louisiana
ODOT Oregon Department of Transportation
SDDOT South Dakota Department of Transportation 
SFMTA San Francisco Metropolitan Transportation Agency
TIM traffic incident management
TMC traffic management center
TOC  traffic cperations center
TRANSCOM Transportation Operations Coordinating Committee 
TSMO transportation systems management and operations
TSP traffic signal priority
UDOT Utah Department of Transportation
WRTM weather responsive traffic management 
WSDOT Washington State Department of Transportation
Wx-TINFO weather responsive traveler information system
WYDOT Wyoming Department of Transportation
WZITS work zone intelligent transportation systems 
  Last modified: April 21, 2020  
Office of Operations