Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) Section 1302, National Corridor Infrastructure Improvement Program

Grant Recipient Project Description Submission Guidance

Issued by: Federal Highway Administration
Date of Issuance: January 4, 2006

All grant recipients for projects designated under SAFETEA-LU Section 1302 - National Corridor Infrastructure Improvement Program - should submit project descriptions to the Federal Highway Administration in order to expedite the release of designated funds. The descriptions should include the elements listed below and should be submitted to the FHWA Division Office of the State where the project is located. For multi-state projects, the description should be submitted to the Division Office of the State designated as the lead State by the States identified in the Section 1302 designated project list. The FHWA Division Office will review and comment on the project description and forward the description to the FHWA Headquarters, to the attention of Mr. Ed Strocko, at the following address:

HOFM-1, E84-440
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

U.S. DOT staff from the relevant modal agencies, along with the office of the Secretary, will review the proposal and provide comment through the FHWA Division Office to the applicant. Upon project review by the Secretary of Transportation, funds will be released to the State for the identified work per the submitted project application.

Section 1302 Grant Recipient Project Description Recommended Accompanying Materials List

Recipients of funds under Section 1302 should provide the following information to the FHWA Division Office:

  1. Statement of Purpose - A detailed project description, along with contact information for the project's primary point of contact.
    1. Identification of the amount of international truck-borne commodities that move through the corridor and the reduction in commercial or other travel time expected as a result of the project.
    2. Identification of how the project will reduce congestion in the corridor.
    3. Identification of how the project will facilitate major multistate or regional mobility and economic growth and development.
  2. Eligibility - Assessment of the extent to which the project is eligible for Federal assistance under title 23, United States Code.
  3. Project Map - Schematic depicting the project and connecting transportation infrastructure.
  4. Scope of Work - Complete list of activities to be funded through the grant.
  5. Cost Estimate - Detailed quantification of eligible project costs by activity, including contingency amounts.
  6. Stakeholder Identification - List of all public and private project partners, and the role each will play in the execution of the project.
  7. Funding Disclosure - Identification of all funding sources that will supplement the grant and be necessary to fully fund the project, and the anticipated dates on which the additional funds are to be made available.
  8. Timeline - Delineation of project timeline, including work to be completed and anticipated funding cycles.
  9. Project History - Results of any preliminary engineering done to date.
  10. Transportation Planning - State DOT validation that the project is or will be included on the appropriate planning document (TIP/STIP).
  11. Coordinated Planning - For projects in air quality maintenance and non-attainment areas, demonstration that the TIP/STIP conforms to the State Implementation Plan.
  12. Environmental Process - Status and timeline for the environmental process, including NEPA.

Designated Projects by State -- National Corridor Infrastructure Improvement Program

  Last modified: March 23, 2020  
Office of Operations