Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Freight Facts and Figures 2013

Table 3-4. Containership Calls at U.S. Ports by Vessel Size and Number of Vessels: 2006-2011

From 2006 to 2011, the number of calls by containership with capacities of 5,000 TEUs or greater has increased by nearly 80 percent. These large container ships accounted for 27 percent of total containership calls at U.S. ports in 2011, up from 17 percent in 2006.

Table 3-4

Table in Excel format

Vessel Size (TEUs) 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Calls Blank cell. Blank cell. Blank cell. Blank cell. Blank cell. Blank cell.
< 2,000 (R) 4,143 (R) 3,900 (R) 3,492 (R) 3,287 (R) 3,707 4,563
2,000-2,999 (R) 3,985 4,099 (R) 3,344 (R) 2,676 (R) 2,760 2,878
3,000-3,999 3,333 2,866 2,460 (R) 2,499 (R) 2,052 2,363
4,000-4,999 4,782 5,033 (R) 5,120 (R) 5,303 (R) 5,876 6,421
> 4,999 3,344 3,961 (R) 4,313 4,434 5,126 5,997
Total Calls (R) 19,587 (R) 19,859 (R) 18,729 (R) 18,199 (R) 19,521 22,222
Vessels Blank cell. Blank cell. Blank cell. Blank cell. Blank cell. Blank cell.
< 2,000 212 195 196 179 178 182
2,000-2,999 257 230 219 220 206 184
3,000-3,999 177 166 141 147 130 131
4,000-4,999 258 271 284 306 315 307
> 4,999 260 277 326 366 396 418
Total Vessels 1,164 1,140 1,166 1,218 1,225 1,222

Key: TEU = twenty-foot equivalent unit; R = revised.


Lloyd's Marine Intelligence Unit, Vessel Movements Data Files, 2006-2011 (London: Lloyd's Marine Intelligence Unit, 2007-2012); Lloyd's Marine Intelligence Unit, Seasearcher (London: Lloyd's Marine Intelligence Unit, 2012); and Clarkson Research Studies, Clarkson's Vessel Registers (London: Clarkson Research Studies, January 2012); as reported in U.S. Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration, Vessel Calls Snapshot, 2011 (Washington, DC: 2013), available at as of September 25, 2013.

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  Last modified: September 23, 2019  
Office of Operations