Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Freight Facts and Figures 2013

Figure 3-4. Top 25 Water Ports by Containerized Cargo: 2011

Containerized cargo has grown rapidly in recent years and is concentrated at a few large water ports. The Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach together handle about 37 percent of all container traffic at water ports in the United States. Container trade at these two ports increased by nearly 61 percent between 2000 and 2011, roughly equal to that reported for container cargo overall.

Figure 3-4

Figure 3-4. U.S. map showing that containerized cargo is concentrated primarily in the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.

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Data represented in the figure.

Table in Excel format

Thousands of TEUs

Ports Rank Export Import
Los Angeles, CA 1 1,954 4,057
Long Beach, CA 2 1,294 3,024
New York, NY 3 1,541 2,723
Savannah, GA 4 1,212 1,072
Oakland, CA 5 799 740
Norfolk, VA 6 756 727
Houston, TX 7 859 559
Seattle, WA 8 591 773
Charleston, SC 9 545 602
Tacoma, WA 10 366 520
Miami, FL 11 388 346
Port Everglades, FL 12 363 254
Baltimore, MD 13 168 305
New Orleans, LA 14 220 87
Jacksonville, FL 15 160 117
Wilmington, NC 16 108 120
Philadelphia, PA 17 46 157
San Juan, PR 18 36 156
Gulfport, MS 19 75 108
Wilmington, DE 20 21 141
Portland, OR 21 80 74
Boston, MA 22 52 97
Mobile, AL 23 53 55
West Palm Beach, FL 24 81 23
Chester, PA 25 35 47

Key: TEUs = twenty-foot equivalent units.


The statistics include both government and non-government shipments by vessel into and out of U.S. foreign trade zones, the 50 states, District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.


U.S. Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration, U.S. Waterborne Container Trade by U.S. Custom Ports, based on data provided by Port Import/Export Reporting Service, available at as of September 13, 2013.


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  Last modified: September 24, 2019  
Office of Operations