- Regional ITS Architecture Assessment Checklist (HTML, DOC - 110KB) - A tool for assessing the completeness of and identifying needed improvements to a regional ITS architecture. It includes the requirements of the FHWA Rule and FTA Policy on ITS Architecture and Standards Conformity.
- Regional ITS Architecture Maintenance White Paper - January 2004 (HTML, DOC - 607KB) - A guide for transportation professionals who are involved in the development, use and maintenance of regional ITS architectures. It supplements the Regional ITS Architecture Guidance Document dated October 2001 by providing a more detailed guide for the development of a regional ITS architecture maintenance plan and the activities involved in maintaining a regional ITS architecture.
- Regional ITS Architecture Guidance Document - November 5, 2020 (PDF - 5.4MB) - This document describes a process for creating a regional ITS architecture with supporting examples of each architecture product. In its discussion of the uses of the regional ITS architecture, the document presents an approach for mainstreaming ITS into the transportation planning and project development processes. This document is currently being updated.
- Building Quality Intelligent Transportation Systems Through Systems Engineering introduces systems engineering for advanced transportation systems projects. “Building Quality Intelligent Transportation Systems Through Systems Engineering” introduces systems engineering for advanced transportation systems projects.
- Developing Functional Requirements for ITS Projects presents guidelines for developing good functional requirements as part of a systems engineering process.
- A Guide to Configuration Management for Intelligent Transportation Systems introduces configuration management - a formal and consistent process of making changes to an ITS system under development.
- FHWA's Final Rule and FTA's Final Policy for Applying the National ITS Architecture at the Regional Level brochure. (PDF - 430KB)