FHWA Work Zone Project Coordination Webinar
slide 1: FHWA Project Coordination Webinar
Presented by John Speroni
New York City Department of Transportation
September 24, 2012
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slide 2: NYC DOT Statistics
Scope of Operations
- 6000 linear miles of streets, 20,000 lane miles
- 12,300 signalized intersections
- 787 bridge structures
- 9 Staten Island Ferry boats, 22 million riders per year
During FY12
- 325,000 permits for construction on/under streets
- 564,000 inspections of permit sites
slide 3: Project Types
NYC DOT and its coordination partners perform:
- Capital reconstruction
- Street resurfacing
- Bridge maintenance
- Plazas, parks, and other public spaces
- Other activities that affect sidewalk
or street usage
- Utility work
- Parades, filming, and other special events
- Building construction
- Transit construction
slide 4: Project Coordination Goals
- Coordinate different projects that are at the same location
- Deliver quality streets by reducing street cuts
- Avoid transportation capacity reductions and other construction inconveniences
- Provide an efficient construction environment to the people and businesses of New York City
slide 5: General Coordination Process
- Advance Coordination & Planning
- City agencies
- High-volume permittees (utilities)
- Permit to Work in Street
- Perform Street Work
- Work Safely
- Restore the Street
- Inspections Throughout the Process
slide 6: DOT Coordination Toolbox
- Work Rules
- Permits needed to close or cut street
- Inspections during work, after street restoration
- Protected Streets – special rules apply five years after new pavement
- Construction Embargoes – no street work allowed in areas used for NYC Marathon, Thanksgiving DayParade, etc.
- Coordination Meetings
- Permit and Project Management Software
- Notifications to Stakeholders
- Repair Schedules, Protected Streets, Embargoes posted online
- DOTMap and NYCityMap GIS
- Street Works Manual
slide 7: DOTMap
slide 8: Street Works Manual
- http://www.nyc.gov/streetworks/
- Explains the importance of coordination and documents processes for all stakeholders
- Chapters
- Introduction
- Advance Notice and Coordination of Planned Street Work
- Permits and approvals
- Executing Work in the Street
- Formal Announcement of New Policies
- DOTMap and other information sharing
- Incentives for Coordination and Compliance
- Permit and Inspection Technology Enhancements
slide 9: Internal Stakeholders
- Capital Program Management
- Roadway Repair & Maintenance
- Traffic & Planning
- Office of Construction Mitigation and Control
- Permit Office
- Highway Inspection & Quality Assurance
- Office of Special Events
- Etc.
slide notes:
Project Management
- CPM – Initiates and manages street capital reconstruction. Final design and construction contractor management by DDC.
- RRM – Performs all phases of in-house resurfacing.
- T&P – Multiple units manage projects for traffic signals, plazas, bikes, sustainability, etc.
- Permit Office
Parades, Filming
- Special Events
slide 10: External Stakeholders
- NYC Agencies
- Department of Design and Construction (DDC)
- Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)
- Department of Buildings (DOB)
- Police Department (NYPD)
- Etc.
- State and Federal Agencies
- Utilities
- Construction contractors
- Call before you dig (New York 811)
- Residents, businesses, and other street users
slide 11: Extensive Infrastructure Below NYC Streets
- Sewer and water by a City agency
- Subway, 4 Commuter Rail systems, AMTRAK
- Telecom, CATV, Electric, Gas, Steam by licensed utilities
slide notes:
55% of all street cut permits are taken by major utilities
slide 12: Street Cuts
- Ideally, utilities and others should perform
subsurface work just before the City repaves.
Not always feasible:
- New service, component failure, system upgrades, etc.
- Impacts of Street Cuts
- Accelerated pavement deterioration
- Inconvenience for road users
- Disruption to surrounding community
- Construction and permit fees for businesses
slide 13: Benefits in Fewer Street Cuts
slide 14: Recent Results
- Web Permits initiative
- 80% of permits are now issued online
- Improved customer convenience and DOT efficiency
- Improved Street Quality
- Streets Rated Good increased to 73% in FY12 vs 66% in FY08
- Ongoing Process Improvements
- Increased coordination with the major utilities who request 55% of all street cut permits
- Research into legislative and procedural changes that may further improve project coordination
- Research into improved construction methods and materials