Road Weather Management Program
photos of lightning, trucks plowing snow, an empty road before a storm, and an evacuation
Office of Operations 21st century operations using 21st century technologies

Best Practices for Road Weather Management Version 2.0


Using Taxi GPS to Gather High-Quality Traffic Data for Winter Road Management Evaluation in Sapporo, Japan


A primary goal of this study was to identify the effective and efficient traffic data-gathering technique in order to develop winter road management measurement that might be implemented in the context of Sapporo, Japan. Throughout the course of this study, it has been demonstrated how cutting-edge technology has the potential to help solve the problems with existing traffic analysis methods and increase the quality of data to determine the unique traffic feature in winter. The cutting-edge technology at issue is floating-car data, collected through Global Positioning Systems on taxis running through the city. Because of the advantage of covering the greater Sapporo area and running throughout the day, this would enable up-to-date traffic data to be supplied over a wide area.


6th International Symposium on Snow Removal and Ice Control Technology, Transportation Research Circular, No. E-C063

Date: 2004


Takahashi, Miyamoto, Asano


Winter storm

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Office of Operations